Where's Leah? (Pt.2)

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Jordan's POV:

I am more nervous than usual. It's just a normal game, I don't know why but I can't seem to calm my nerves. Something just doesn't feel right.

20 minutes later...

"Yes! Yes! Pass me the ball.. Lucy play it through!!"

Lucy plays me an unbelievable ball and I lay it off to Russo who sadly puts it wide.

Lucy runs over to me and high fives me but I get this agonizing pain in my head and I lean over grabbing onto it.

"Ah fuck!"
"Jordan?! What is the matter?? Do you need to come off?"
"No no I'll be fine. Just a sore head is all."

What the fuck was that. I have never had a pain like that before apart from my ACL but fucking hell this was worse. Anyways I have to carry on.

Commentator 1: "Jordan Nobbs has just leant over grabbing her head."
Commentator 2: "yeah that's weird. But it's okay, Lucy Bronze is there to check if she's okay."

Back at the hotel..

Leah: "What the hell. Is Jordan okay?"
Leah gets up and gets closer to the tv trying to look for answers. Then she starts pacing back and forth waiting for an answer.
Keira: "Leah. Leah! She is fine. Lucy is with her. Don't panic sit down. It could just be a bad headache."
Leah: "but what if it isn't. What if" -
Keira: "Leah Stop it. You are getting yourself worked up now. Sit down."
Leah: "Okay, Okay."

Half time finally comes round. It's 3-1 to England so they can calm down a bit.

(Jordan) What the hell is going on with my head?? It hurts like hell. I just need paracetamol or something.

"Hey does anyone have paracetamol?"
Mary: "Yeah I've got some Jords. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, thanks just got a bad headache that's all. This should help. I'll be fine."

I take the paracetamol and my stomach growls. Ugh my tummy does not feel good. Oh shit I think I am going to be sic-

T/W: throwing up

Lucy's POV:

I see Jordan run to the toilet so I get up and walk after her. Oh no. I can hear her being sick. I quietly knock on the door not trying to alarm her.

"Jordan, are you okay? What is the matter?"
"I'm fine Luce, just a bit nauseous."
"I think you are a bit more than nauseous. Come out and let me see you."

Jordan walks out slightly griping her stomach. She looks like shit.

"Jordan. Do I need to call Leah?"

Then Tooney walks in.

Ella:"Why would you need call Leah?"
Lucy: "I-uh.. just because Leah has some pain meds so she could give those to Jordan for her stomach and head pain."
Ella: "oh yeah, sure okay!"
Lucy: "Jordan.. do I need to?"
Jordan: "No. No. I'm fine. Please stop worrying about me. I. Am. Fine."
Lucy: "okay, okay. But if you need anything, you have to let me know."

*Jordan mutters under her breath*

Lucy: "JORDAN!"
Jordan: "OKAY FINE"

10 minutes left of the game..

Jordan's POV:

oh shit. I don't feel so good. I think I should just close my eyes for a minute..

Lucy's POV:

Only 10 minutes left that's good. Wait. Is that Jordan????

Oh fuck


I run over as she passes out on the floor.


Leah's POV:


I burst into tears without hesitation. I knew she wasn't right. No one listened to me. FUCK SAKE. What if this is not good? Oh no no no...

Keira: "Leah, Leah look at me. It's going to be okay. I promise. Luce is there and so are the paramedics. Please try to calm down."
Leah: "Calm down? CALM DOWN?!How the hell am I supposed to calm down Keira???!!! My Jordan, my love is down on the floor not moving. So no. I WON'T CALM DOWN."
Keira: "LEAH. Stop. Look at me now. Stop looking at the screen. Look at me. Slow your breathing down and just focus on me. We will go to the stadium now but I promise you she will be okay. She is surrounded by the best paramedics. I promise. But you have to calm down otherwise you are going to make it worse."

Leah and Keira rush into the car and head to the stadium.

HI!!! It's actually been so long and I can't believe it! I'm so sorry, I've been preparing for GCSE's and I've had mocks so no time at all to write! There is going to be a part three but hopefully the last. (I know I always say that! 🙄😂)

Also it's Christmas todayyyy!! For some it might have been yesterday or whenever. But, let me know what you got.. cause I'm excited to know and read them! I hope you have all had a great year. Xx ❤️🎄☃️🎅🤶

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