"Hyde" your feelings, part 3

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It's pure fluff, as the tumblr user requested

"You've done very well, (Y/N)," Laurel told you.

You nodded, your head down. You expected some kind of reward for having managed to fool Wednesday once again. But there was nothing. You were sitting on a stool in the conservatory, watching your mistress do something with some chemical pots. You moved your legs back and forth. You didn't even know what you were doing there.

In your head you were only turning over what happened that night in the crypt. It was all so fast, so rushed. You had been loving that woman for a long time, and at last she reciprocated you, or so you thought. The things that happened, the things that she did to you, that she said to you...

At that moment you felt happy, like if a miracle had happened, or, perhaps as if you had been dreaming. The next day you woke up with a not very normal heaviness in your head. Being in the presence of your mistress you did not stop to think. But it was enough to get away of all your thoughts. You thought about how in the time you had been in her service she had treated you as an errand girl. Until you confessed to her how you felt about her. The feelings weren't confusing, but her attitude was. She had ordered you to do things to her that weren't even in your wildest dreams, things that meant something to you. The question you had at that moment was whether it also meant something to her, or if you were simply a doll with which she had the ability to play as she pleased, as if you were an object to be used and thrown away when it suited her.

You were missing something. Something wasn't going the way you thought. You remembered the date you had with Wednesday, a date Laurel forced you to go on. Yes, you didn't want to, but somehow that time in the crypt seemed so much more significant than what happened next.

You knew that with that woman you couldn't have an adolescent romance, a succession of dates and moments as special as the one you had with Wednesday, even though you didn't want it.

You had a classmate at Nevermore who was a mermaid. From what you heard, her boyfriend dumped her because she tried to manipulate him. Did Laurel do it too? Of course she did, that went without saying, but you weren't referring to the obedient and loyal nature of a Hyde. You were not a complete monster, you had a conscience, heart. You knew what was right, what was wrong. And of course you knew how to separate loyalty and obedience from feelings. A Hyde doesn't love, the girl it became did. You only had to know if the woman you were in love with also did it, regardless of Hyde, regardless of her orders and her thirst for revenge.

You rose from your chair, taking timid steps towards the woman in front of you. Laurel didn't even look at you, she was still concentrating on what she was doing.

Catching a breath you reached up and ran a hand gently through her hair. Laurel sighed, but she didn't said or did anything. You took it as a sign to continue. You were trembling, but with decision, you pushed her hair away and brought your lips to her neck, gently placing them on her skin. She stopped with what she was doing, huffing and puffing.

"Not now, (Y/N), I'm busy," she said dryly, without raising her head.

Disappointment pierced you like a dagger on your chest. Little by little, the suspicions you had were coming true. You needed to make sure she didn't really want it, so you moved closer again, more slowly this time. You tried something else. You subtly wrapped your arms around her waist and hugged her from behind, resting your head on her back, closing your eyes. Laurel stopped again, this time more abruptly.

"(Y/N), I told you I'm busy," she said, removing your hands from her waist in an unpleasant way.

You didn't want to give up and tried to reach for her hand, which she withdrew, finally turning around.

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