Four "unfairly" tales

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1: An "unfairy" life

"I hope you haven't tell anyone."

"No, mom... I haven't told anyone," you said, tired of those kinds of meaningless conversations.

"It is very important that no one knows because..."

"I'm the last known of my species... I know, mom," you said, rolling your eyes. Fortunately your mother couldn't see you from the other side.

"By the way, (Y/N), I've been talking to the Wrights..."

"With those fools? what for?" You asked contemptuously. You hated that petulant family.

"You know that there were a lot of people like us in their ancestors..."

You didn't like where the conversation was going.


"Their son, Jordan, would be a perfect husband for you."

"What?!" You yelled indignantly, looking around to see if anyone was listening.

"If we want our species to survive, we must make some sacrifices. With your genes and theirs, you could create a new generation of faeries."

"Mom, you can't be serious..." You said, starting to get nervous.

"Of course I'm serious. Besides, he has already accepted. And if I have to force you to save our species, be assured that I will."

"Good luck with that, I'm not going to do it!" You yelled, and after that, you hung up the phone.

It wasn't the first time your mother hinted at something like that. According to her, your species was in danger of disappearing, and only you could save it.

You were a fairy, according to your mother, the last fairy left in the world, a very proud statement in your opinion. You had heard fantastic stories during your childhood, about what fairies were, and what they had become. You could no longer fly during your normal state. Your wings had become just a vestige of what they were before, leaving only a tattoo on your back, which would only come to life if you shrank. The powers you possessed were also different. Over the years, and after the persecutions of intolerant people who were not capable of understanding your condition, your ancestors were forced to repress their powers. You didn't care too much about this business about the disappearance of the fairies. You were more concerned with trying to integrate into Nevermore, although it was complicated for you, you had a very introverted character, and you barely spoke to anyone.

That call from your mother, telling you that you would have to marry and have children with a boy you hated otherwise, was already the icing on the cake.

The next day you were in botany class. At least, surrounded by those plants, you felt relaxed, but all your classmates looked at you strangely, probably because you were the only girl wearing a tank top at the beginning of November.

Without listening to what your teacher was saying, you were thinking about the conversation with your mother. You knew you couldn't run away, you had nowhere to go. She called you selfish for wanting to enjoy your life, instead of preserving the lineage of the fairies, but you couldn't help but think that you were the one who was right. The students left after class ended, but you stayed there, rambling.

"(Y/N), the class has already finished," the teacher, Miss Thornhill told you. That academy was a dark place, but for some reason, you could see some light on her.

"Yes... Sorry... I'm leaving now..." You sighed, without taking your eyes off the ground. The redhead seemed to notice your state and she shook her head, moving closer to you.

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