Behind the wall, I can see you

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Finally my dreams came true, I could have you, I could taste you. Together we denied the comments that everyone pinned to our hearts. I feel full, like a super heroine who has made others see that they were wrong. I wish I wasn't lying right now, I wish we could kiss in front of those ungrateful people, those idiots who believe they are superior to us.

You try to hide it, to put a brick wall between us, but, honey, you forget that I can see you. I can feel your hand brushing against mine if we pass each other in the halls, I can feel how you push me against the wall on a deserted night, on a night when the school seems abandoned.

I don't know if you know that professionalism does not apply to love. Love is messy, it is unpredictable. If you kiss me, I kiss you, if you love me, I love you. There are no conditions, no place to hide. If you only knew, Marilyn, if you only knew that I always watch you, that I can see you even if you try to hide between walls and corridors.

"It's a secret," you whisper to me, while your mouth speaks to me aloud. "It's how it should be," you tell me, when your kisses say otherwise.

You drive me crazy, you do whatever you want with me, but I let you to do it, I let you to do whatever want with me if at the end of the day your body is mine, if I can access your kisses, your caresses.

"What would you do if it was forever a secret?" I ask you, while I take off your coat. I don't like seeing you in so many clothes, it prevents me from really seeing you, from feeling that you're not that cowardly woman you appear to be.

"It could never be like this forever," you assure me. I would like to believe you, but you won't prove me otherwise. I insist, I need to know what you think, what do you think they will do when they find out.

"What would you do if they never found us out?" I ask, as your clothes slowly disappear. I'm panting, fighting to keep my sanity within the animal desire I have at the sight of you.

"They would win..." You whisper as you close your eyes, enjoying the kisses I give to your neck. It is what I wanted to hear, a smile appears on my face. Exactly, they would win, they will never know how wrong they were.

I know they are watching us. Their looks try to discover the truth that my eyes reflect, my thoughts. When I see you at the end of a corridor, waiting for me to arrive, waiting for my kisses to cover your skin, I wonder if you really know all the things I think, all the things I want to do, that I want to do to you. There are still so many things that I have not done, that I have not told you. In my head I see you in a thousand different ways, but never being a secret, never letting others win in their infinite pride.

"I love you..." You whisper, while the sweat covers my back that your nails scratch mercilessly. Why are you going to leave those scars on me if you think that our love is a secret?

We hurry, we run away every time we hear footsteps in that dark hallway. You think it's the right thing. My dear redhead, you are very wrong.

You are shy, slippery. The sun's rays scare you away, they make you flee from my presence. I don't understand you, Marilyn, but I don't need to, I just need you.

You throw me a note under the door, a note that says you need my kisses, my body, that you want to meet me tonight. I curse heaven for not being able to see you in the daylight. I don't want notes on the floor. The only thing I need on the floor is your jacket, your dress, your boots. I need to see them all over the floor, scattered everywhere in this cursed school.

"You are like a secret mission to me, (Y/N)," you say, biting my ear. Why are you so cruel? You need my kisses, I know, that's what I see when I look at you through your proud facade of an innocent woman.

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