What are you playing?

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"Marilyn, I really don't get it..." You sobbed.

The redhead didn't look at you, her expression remained serious. You cried, but she didn't, she seemed to not care.

You had been dating her for a month, with your co-worker in Nevermore. Apparently there was nothing that made you think that things were going wrong for you, quite the contrary, your relationship was almost perfect. Until that night, when Marilyn told you that it was over, that she couldn't go on with you. Why? You didn't know. Had you done something wrong? You didn't believe it.

According to her, you were distracting her from the things she had to do. You didn't understand it, you also worked and your classes were not affected at all by your relationship (except for some gossipy comment from your students, of course)

"I don't expect you to understand, (Y/N) Do you think it's easy for me?" Marilyn asked, with a passive, indifferent look.

"It seems that way. You're the one who wants to end everything..." You sighed, trying to control your sobs. Marilyn turned away, as if she was trying to pretend it hurt her.

"It's the best for both of us, (Y/N). This relationship harms us," she said turning her back on you. You reached out your arms, pretending to strangle her.

"I don't believe it. Could you at least tell me the truth? I find it hard to believe that the same person who had no qualms about fucking in the conservatory is telling me that our relationship is detrimental to us. You're lying to me, I know you are."

"Think whatever you want, (Y/N). I have no ulterior motives beyond what I have told you," she said to you, turning around.

She looked a little sadder, but you couldn't help but think that she was faking it.

That sudden desire to end your relationship could not be a coincidence. In your head you gave a thousand turns to find the real reason. Marilyn didn't talk to anyone in Nevemore, in fact, you were her only friend, according to her, of course. There could be no other person, it was impossible. You were devastated, your tears were not only from pain, but also from confusion, from not understanding that aggressive and indifferent attitude of the redhead.

"You're breaking my heart..." You said, crying more intensely. The redhead approached you and caressed your cheek. Her face said nothing again, expressed nothing.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N). I didn't want this to end like this, but I think it's the best for us..." She whispered to you, while she wiped away your tears. "Please, don't cry, don't make it more difficult for me."

You shook your head and hugged her tight, crying into her shoulder. She held still at first, but then she hugged you back, with a long, deep breath.

"Don't cry anymore, (Y/N). It's not that serious, we can still be friends..."

You moved away ready to scream, to curse, to hit all the furniture in the room. Of course you couldn't be friends. That was a mockery, an insult to you. Before going crazy, losing your mind, you reflected. You were in love with her, you loved her. You couldn't understand what was going through her head. You couldn't imagine a life without hugging her body at night, without her caresses, without her kisses...

But the love you felt prevented you from walking away, rejecting her proposal. If being friends was the only way to be close to her, it was more than enough for you. You huffed, looking everywhere but not into her eyes, nodding.

"Okay, Marilyn, friends..."

After that fateful night, things changed, although not substantially. Your relationship seemed the same, only there were no kisses, caresses, nights of passion in the corners of Nevermore. Every night you cried, whenever Marilyn stopped by your class you cried when she left. You went to see her in the conservatory, it seemed that nothing had changed.

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