The fireworks of truth

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"And that's why I'll give you one last chance, the last one," you said to your students, with a threatening look. "And of course I don't want to hear again: I was under the water, someone put garlic on the milk, or my roommate ate my homework, got it? I know your all your excuses, you have nowhere to hide."

They nodded with a smile on their faces. Sometimes you were too permissive with them.

Moving to the small town of Jericho to teach history to the outcasts of Nevermore was the easiest decision of your life. You were sick of your old job, and of teenagers who thought they were superior to others. At least in that academy there was a certain climate of equality, after all, they were all freaks.

The bell rang and they immediately got up from their chairs. Those who did the homework you asked for, left it on the table for you and said goodbye smiling. You organized those homework, seeing off the kids with your usual phrases.

"Have a good day guys... Are those glasses new, Yoko? They are amazing. Enid, I love your new nail polish, never give up on pink. Addams, you have a nice smile today..." You murmured already in automatic mode.

People seemed to appreciate you. Both the students and the other teachers took a liking to you as soon as you arrived. You didn't know if it was because of your carefree attitude, or because everyone was, or seemed friendly. You looked at the clock, seeing that your classes had finally finished, but puffing from wanting to correct those homework as soon as possible. You didn't like leaving work to do.

Picking up your bag, you looked inside. A recently acquired book rested among your stuff. It wasn't for you, but for one of the best, not to mention for your best friend it Nevermore. Your co-worker, Marilyn Thornhill. She was a shy, quiet woman, but at the same time she was full of surprises. You often met in the library and little by little, you discovered that you had a lot in common, even though she was older than you.

You couldn't help feeling some pity for her. She seemed very lonely in that place. You didn't blame her for it, surely the world had been cruel to her. If you said that you only saw her as a friend, or a co-worker, you would lie outright. It was quite obvious that you liked her, and in a way you thought she liked you too, although naturally this subject never came up. In fact, you didn't even know if you shared the same tastes regarding the female gender.

Sighing, you closed your class and set out for the wonderful world of corrections. The best place for it was the library, without a doubt, and you also loved to scold the students who take advantage of the solitude of that place to do things that in theory were forbidden.

You went down the stairs in silence. The library manager was a bitter witch, and she had a special dislike for you, probably because you couldn't be quiet for even five minutes. You could be correcting homework in the quiet of your room, but you preferred to go there, especially since you knew that a certain redhead used to be there, immersed on some book about plants.

Indeed, there she was, at her table away from always. You smiled and sighed comfortingly. You stealthily approached and took that book out of your bag, dropping it in front of her.

"(Y/N), you scared me," she told you, placing a hand on her chest, but with the smile that she always put on when she saw you. "Wait a minute, the book of flowers from the Amazon jungle?"

You nodded satisfied, sitting next to her. The librarian was hanging around, and she narrowed her eyes upon seeing you.

"I've been looking for it everywhere, where did you find it?" She asked you, looking at your unexpected gift with great interest.

"Let's just say... there are a lot of things in Larissa's office," you whispered, winking at her. Marilyn looked at you surprised.

"Did you steal it from Larissa? You're crazy," she murmured getting closer to you. You laughed, earning you a glare from the librarian.

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