Are you for me, or against me?

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"How have classes gone?" You asked as you entered the conservatory. Marilyn looked at you and smiled, shrugging.

"They could have been worse," she told you, amused.

"Worse?" You said amused, getting a little closer to her.

"Well, if you tell someone, 'don't touch that flower', they should listen to you," she said, shaking her head.

You hugged her around her waist and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, do you want to go to dinner? Larissa has told me about a place that you would love," you said in her ear. You knew what the answer would be, but you always tried.

"Tonight? I can't, I have to correct these works, water the plants..."

An excuse. It shouldn't surprise you, she always has one.

For some time, you had started something strange with that woman, with your colleague. It wasn't a relationship, it wasn't a friendship either. There were kisses, hugs, nights of passion on your room... But there was something that wasn't there, a declaration, a girlfriend relationship as such. You didn't have another person in mind and you always suggested formalizing those meetings you had. You wanted a real relationship, not a mirage.

But whenever you asked, that you hinted at something, she diverted the conversation, as if everything you lived together didn't matter. You were just "friends" to her. You didn't understand, you didn't know why if what you felt for her was so intense, you couldn't be something else. Maybe she doesn't want to, maybe she doesn't feel the same things you do. Maybe the fact that you were younger made her see a relationship as inappropriate, nonsense in your opinion.

"Okay..." You said sighing exaggeratedly.

"Forgive me. I have many things to do," the redhead said, giving you a quick kiss on the lips. You reluctantly nodded and stepped away, crossing your arms.

"You always have things to do," you said, with a venomous tone.

"Well, yes," she said, making a face that she didn't know what you were talking about. "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, Marilyn, nothing is wrong with me."

"I know you're lying to me," she told you, frowning.

"Well, yes, I'm going to tell you what's wrong with me. I'm tired of being the one who always gives it all in this relationship. I try to do things with you. Real things, I don't mean sleeping, kissing and what we always do. We've been like this for two months and I keep wondering why the hell we have to be just friends," you confessed. You really wanted to say it, and you couldn't keep it quiet anymore.

"(Y/N), I don't know what you're talking about," Marilyn told you, feigning surprise. "You agreed with the relationship we had."

"Yes, at first," you answered, leaning on a desk. "I didn't mind not having anything serious with you. But the longer I was with you, the more I thought we could be something more, a real relationship."

"I think I made that very clear, (Y/N)," Marilyn said, darkening her tone. "I'm not ready for a relationship, much less with someone like you."

That sentence made you open your eyes wide.

"Someone like me?" You asked, outraged. You wanted to scream, but you didn't want to sound hysterical, you wanted to know what she was referring to.

"Yes, someone like you, (Y/N)."

"What problem do you have with me?" You asked, on the verge of tears.

"You're young," she said simply, pretending to be busy looking at some papers. You opened your mouth in surprise.

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