chapter 11: the new inmate

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Y:"we have a new prisoner today?"

Amy:"yes, the prisoner was supposed to be put in solitary immediately but somehow there was a mix up and they put her in a cell with prisoner JA8941. I don't know if you knew this but when new prisoners come in the rest of the inmates demand from the new one to see their paperwork so they can see what they were charged with. According to miss Ayumi the new inmate declined to let anyone see, she said she then took a quick look at it when she wasn't looking."

Y:"I feel like this is going somewhere"

Amy:"it is, about an hour later it was lunch time. Everything was normal until Jennifer slammed her plastic tray into the new inmates face"

Y:"I'm sorry what?"

Amy:"after we went it and separated the 2 we interrogated both of them and after Jennifer mentioned the paperwork we took a closer look. And we see why now this happened, here is the file"

Amy handed the therapist the file of the new prisoner, on it she could see all the information needed and that his higher ups wanted to try and rehabilitate this new prisoner. After looking over the file some more in his office he decided he wanted to talk to this new patient of his and find out if she'd be willing to take his treatment. He requested a guard to accompany him and soon after Katherine showed up. The 2 walked down the hall the the section where all the inmates in solitary was. They found the right cell and went inside, they could see a woman who had a busted lip and some bruises over her face.

Y:"good evening miss hernaldo, my name is Y/N I am the on site therapist in this establishment and I will be treating you as my patient while you are here."

Inmate:"great, another therapist telling me what I should think"

Y:"my main job is to help you, help you realize why you are in here and why the actions you took are the most…….unforgivable"

Inmate:"blah blah blah, I don't care about what you say with your moral shit or what drugs you give me to "fix" me when I'm perfectly fine"

Y:"........miss hernaldo I'm very sure you're aware why you were sent to prison, am I wrong in that assumption"

Inmate:"yes I know why I'm in this hellhole"

Y:"and you believe that the actions that got you here were justified?"

Inmate:"hell yeah! I shouldn't be in here I did nothing wrong!"

The therapist lost his temper at the inmates statement.

Y:"you are charged with the mental, physical, and sexual abuse of 12 kids! Children miss hernaldo. That prisoner that assaulted you wouldn't hurt a fly, she was going to get out tomorrow, now she has 2 more years here that she is more than happy to serve because she was proud of what she did. If it were any other inmate you would be dead right now."

Inmate:"see, what did I say? Always with the moral bullshit. I see nothing wrong with what I did!"

Y:"YOU SAW NOTHING WRONG!?!......Katherine I'm going back to my office, this patient is clearly in denial and I will get nowhere with her"

Katherine escorted the clearly heated man out of the cell before locking it up tight. After they walked down the hall Katherine asked a question to the angry therapist

Katherine:"how are you going to treat someone like that? She seems very proud almost as if she's bragging about it."

Unbeknownst to the security guard there was a dark red fainted shine in the readers eye. An affect he noticed shortly after his blood transfusion. He also noticed he is getting angry a bit quicker than he normally did. He recalls hearing behaviors of people changing if they get organ transplants or large amounts of blood transfers, he didn't want to risk being in that cell any longer due to him knowing the blood donor. But at the end of it all he knew he had to do something, that prisoner wasn't ever going to change and he knew once she got out she'd do the same thing again with no remorse.

Y:"I'd rather not talk about it Katherine, I need to focus on my very important appointment with Vanessa"

female prisoners x male reader(therapist)Where stories live. Discover now