ch2: first appointment

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Y:"......why is there a Japanese popstar in my office with a prisoner outfit on?"

Amy:"w-well this is JA8941. Like I said she just had extremely bad luck with our new gun laws"

You look the girl over and see she is wearing a classic white and black striped outfit with handcuffs on, but with her hands in front of her instead of behind because she wasn't deemed a "hostile inmate" like others were

Y:"I see well I guess there's nothing we can do about that. I'll take if from here Amy"

Amy nods and then leaves the room so you can talk to your client

Y:"so miss Ayumi, I was told you requested a appointment with me instead of being put here by the system. Is there something you need to talk about?"

Jennifer:"yes doctor (l/n), I know this may sound silly but I need to talk to someone kinder than all the other inmates" her voice starts to get higher and more broken up as if she is sad. "Th-they don't understand stand i-i don't want any trouble but they just keep picking on me" you see a couple tears flow from her eyes. She looks down at her lap to keep you from seeing but the tears just fall from her eyes onto the floor.

Given her behavior you see she is vulnerable and the other inmates feed off of it abusing her. When she looks down it signifies that she is trying to hide her weakness, if she is going such length as to hide it then that means the abuse is too great for her to handle.

Y:"it's ok Jennifer I'm here. Is the staff doing anything about it?"

Jennifer:"n-no I haven't told them about it. I don't wanna be a nuisance, all I n-need is someone to talk too"

Y:"you need more than that dear. I'll notify the staff of your problem, their job is to keep the inmates in AND keep the peace in here, I don't want you to get pushed so much you snap and take it out on people who may be innocent"

Jennifer:"d-dear?" She was confused as to why you called her this. She then started thinking that it was a mistake coming to you 'please don't harass me mister' what the phrase she was saying in her mind over and over. She backed up a little and bumped into a was which frightened her because that meant she was trapped.

You seem to have read her thoughts through her actions and you could tell she took your words the wrong way

Y:"oh no no you seem to have misunderstood me, where I come from we use words like "dear" as a formal address. I also use "hun" and "hunny" for more casual friends"

She seemed to calm down after your explanation and looked around for a place to sit

Jennifer:"may I sit here?

Y:"yes go on ahead"

You and Jennifer talked for a while until Amy came back with Katherine

Amy:"um I'm here to take Jennifer back to her cell and bring....prisoner VT3866 h-here"

After hearing the prisoner code of your next client Jennifer started panicking and started yelling fearfully at Amy and Katherine

Jennifer:"WHAT?!? NO YOUR NOT STICKING HIM WITH THAT DEVIL I WONT LET YOU!" she runs up to you and grabs your clothes pulling you close and stepping in between the guards and you "HOW COULD YOU EVEN CONSIDER PUTTING THAT, THAT......THING IN THE SAME ROOM WITH SOME ONE LIKE (Y/N)"
her voice was loud but you can tell she was scared. It was like she was trying to protect you from a great evil

???:"my my~ sounds like someone doesn't think to highly of me"

Her voice froze everyone where they stood with wide eyes except for you. Jennifer was now clinging tightly to your jacket. Vanessa walked past Amy and Katherine

Amy:"b-b-but you....were just in your cell a minute"

Vanessa:"did I escape? Im the leader of the mafia what do you expect, and besides once you said we had a therapist I got curious. Some of the other guards said he was cute, they weren't wrong either~ he may just be "the one~""

You looked the girl over and see she is wearing a heavy duty straight jacket, which was unlocked for some strange reason, she had chains hanging off of random spots of the jacket. You can tell she shouldn't even be allowed to move in the prison freely. She was truly dangerous

Vanessa:"I promise I won't be rough with you. But you can be as rough as you want with me sir~"

female prisoners x male reader(therapist)Where stories live. Discover now