| Poet's Note |

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| Dedication: |

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| Dedication: |


"To Jay. Thank you."


| Foreword: |

April 29th, 2023.
4:32 pm.


I'm writing this after completing the poetry collection- weird, I know. A few things I wanted to mention:

First of all, the first the eleven poems are not related to the contest. I started this poetry collection after a very long writer's block. The plan was to write whatever I came up with and just publish it here. I wanted feedback. Every poem I was writing felt like it was lacking. Throughout this 30 day's journey, I've been able to feel better about my poems and myself as a writer. I was able to get enough feedback to get back on my feet.

So if you want to read the poems I wrote when I was struggling the most, the first eleven are for you. The rest, they are based on prompts of the Versification 2023 contest by @WattpadPoetry. Feedback means so much to me. Also, I really apprecaite constructive criticism.

Secondly, I've used new words in these poems. It was fun to look up words and think about how to use them in my poems. A dictionary portion is available in the end of each poem (in the ones that have complex words) to help out. (Note: It is not available in all poems yet, but will be soon)

Lastly, a lot of these poems are fiction. I am working on writing short notes for each, but that may take time. Just putting it out there so readers don't get worried about me (it has happened before).

Thanks for choosing to give this poetry collection your time. ♥️

Bushra Farid.


Scarred Hands | Poetry collection | VersificationWhere stories live. Discover now