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Wind blowed as Rottnests tail swept by the entrance. Her large stinger flicked.

"Everyone," Junix said in a rush. "Go to where the NightWing is. She's going to look in here. I'll handle it."

"What about you?" Allgazer whispered. "She's going to kill you."

"No, she won't," said Junix, smiling. "She knows me."

Everyone, even Bone, hurried to Allgazer's spot. Some, like Dawn and Cicada and Bone, didn't blend in well with the darkness. But others like Cacti and Allgazer ( since Cacti is a little more of a brownish color ), blend in almost perfectly. Bone put his large wings all around them, protecting them all and staring at the entrance menacingly.

As soon as they were there, a head of the size of an entire dragon peeked inside. Dawn couldn't believe how huge she was. She'd read about Darkstalker, and how big he was, but she started to think that Rottnest was bigger.

Much bigger.

As soon as Rottnest spoke, Dawn felt like she wanted to scream. Her voice wasn't nearly as scary as Junix's impression of her. It was scarier.

"Junix...." she said in a whispery tone. She had this weird accent, one Dawn had never heard before. "What are you doing?..."

As Rottnest shifted her head in the gate, the dark clouds uncovered the sun, and light through the windows came through. Dawn felt Bone's wings shaking. He was scared. And Dawn knew why.

Rottnest had eerie red eyes. Nothing like any other dragon had. Her eyewhites were also slightly red. The top of her head was covered to the brim with just black. As the black went down her face, it slowly faded to dark yellow. And her face, and some of her neck, from what Dawn could see, were covered with scars.

"Killing off the LeafWings in here," Junix responded.

Rottnest snarled. "I don't see any dead bodies in here... do you?...."

Junix's eyes widened. Dawn guessed that she hadn't thought of what she would say.

"I threw them away and washed up the blood with the water from the pond," Junix said after a minute. She lifted her front arm and pointed a talon at the little pond down in the dungeon the others were locked in.

"Hm..." mumbled Rottnest. "Well. You forgot something back at the hive." She held up a little crown. "I told you to take it so that no one would hurt you."


"No 'buts.' Take it before you get hurt. If they hurt you anyway, I'll kill them."

Junix gulped and took the little crown from Rottnests talons.

"Good. Put it on. Now, I'm going. You either go back to our hive or you stay. I don't care," Rottnest hissed.

As Rottnest moved her head out of the gap, Junix said something no one would believe.

"Okay, mother."

Wings of Fire - Awakening Evil (REDOING!)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang