Baking Cookies And Keeping Secrets

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"Happy Monday," I said when I arrived with Jennie's coffee. "Are you not getting sick of peppermint mochas?" I put Jennie's coffee on the kitchen counter.

She sipped her coffee. "No, I guess not."

"I had no idea how much of a sweet tooth you had."

"Everyone I work with is so bitter so I really need the sugar to offset everyone else."

"I think that if I had as much sugar as you did I wouldn't fit into my pants anymore."

Jennie shrugged and turned back to cooking breakfast. I smiled when her back was turned to me: I liked the small routine we'd forged together, the small comforts of consistency that I could look forward to every day when I came over with coffee. I rested my chin against my hand and watched Jennie move about the kitchen, lost in my reverie.

"What?" Jennie asked when turned around to serve me. I blinked, phasing back to reality.

"Nothing, lost in thought."

"Penny for your thoughts?"

I laughed. "I was just thinking it was nice to be fed breakfast every morning."

"You don't eat breakfast?"

"Usually a granola bar or a banana."

"What are you going to do next week when you don't have to bring me coffee anymore?"

"Bring coffee anyway and bribe you to cook me breakfast? Although my wallet can't afford a peppermint mocha for the rest of the year."

Jennie laughed and sat next to me to eat. "I might be interested in accepting your bribe."

I grinned and began to eat.

"I was thinking," Jennie began, chewing her food slowly. "What do you find hot about me?"

"I'm leaving."

Jennie laughed when I stood up with my plate.

"You don't want breakfast, Jisoo Dearest?"

"I'm taking this to go."

I heard Jennie still laughing when I closed the door. I ran down the apartment stairs, hopped in my car, and got to work early. I was going to kill my mom. My phone buzzed shortly after my arrival.

Taehyung: Can you come over tonight and help me bake cookies?

Me: What's the occasion?

Taehyung: I may have volunteered to bring cookies to the play Wednesday.

Me: Why don't you just buy them pre-made?

Taehyung: You know I have the best homemade chocolate chip recipe and I hate store-bought cookies.

Me: But you're not eating them.

Taehyung: I will not embarrass myself in front of my students.

Me: They're six.

Taehyung: Or their parents. We also will be taking home all the leftover cookies.

Me: Deal. I'll come over and help. What time?

Taehyung: Come over after work and I'll order pizza ;)

Me: I'm there.

The rest of the day passed slowly, despite the deadlines closing in. Soojoo was buzzing around the office in a stressed out panic, planning for not one, but two, holiday parties.

"I think she might actually break," Jungkook said, standing by my desk and mindlessly sucking on a candy cane while we watched, intrigued, Soojoo having an aneurism while on the phone with a caterer when they told her they did not have a snack platter in the shape of Santa. Jungkook offered me my own candy cane to enjoy the show. I accepted and sucked on it while I thought.

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