Act I - Catalyst Revolt Part 7

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        I feel weightless, the wind rushing past me as clouds move beside me. I've never felt so free. Looking down, I see tiny houses on a small island surrounded by an immeasurable sea. There's so much corruption and trouble in this place. From this altitude, I can still see and hear people in the Senate making deals with USC officials, laughing as they sell our lands and properties. They feast while the locals can't afford to buy food, partying and spending all their money on luxury while most of us can hardly sleep eight hours and barely have time to enjoy our lives.

Rage consumes me as I see our people screaming and begging for help, but their voices are drowned out by chatter and music on the northwest coast. The whole island fits in the palm of my hand; I could easily squash it whole, and start from the ground up. Malicious thoughts pour into my head, and I briefly consider that my intentions are necessary and that this island deserves a fresh start. With that thought, my mind clears, and the island begins to collapse, swallowing me whole.

I jump off the bed, my heart racing. "Hey, Justin! You okay?" Miles's voice is in my right ear, but my head is still lost in the dream. "Justin!" Miles yells, finally making me look at him. He's leaning forward, as though trying to wake me.

"Miles, hey, I'm sorry. I was just in a deep sleep. Is everything okay?" I rub my eyes, finally becoming aware of the low-volume TV fan noises in my room and the living room. It's still pitch black outside, and it feels like only a couple of hours have passed. Curiously, I ask for the time.

Miles arched his back and his face turned grave, his eyes darkening. "Almost 4am. I was just about to wake you. Get ready, I know where Max is." He quickly left the room. He called Massimo, 'Max', he never calls him by that name. Something must have happened. I got up and went to the living room to see Ivory already up and ready, but Alba and Gustavo were nowhere to be seen.

Ivory noticed me but quickly turned away. I asked her what was going on, but she avoided my gaze and whispered, "They found a body in one of the burned buildings in Bo'caní. Don't ask about it." She walked out as Miles came in from the kitchen.

"Good, you're ready. Let's go, Ivory." His usual cheerful self was absent, replaced by a serious tone. I wanted to ask him how he was doing, but I knew he didn't want to talk about it. I decided to follow his lead and keep an eye on him, fearing he might do something he would regret.

We stepped outside, and Ivory held out her hands for us to grab. I didn't like not knowing where we were going, but Miles hasn't been wrong so far. However, now it seemed as if he was ready to fight Max to the death.

Holding my breath this time worked. Disappearing to another place was like taking a dip in the ocean and instantly coming back out, but instead of the same place, we were transported to another part of the world. I stumbled a little as I landed on the ground. It was pitch black, and I felt leaves and branches beneath my feet.

"Be wary of your steps," Ivory said from somewhere in the darkness. "I don't know what part of the Itayó forest I teleported us to."

Itayó?! That's the rainforest which covers the lands of ten towns here on the island. Why are we so far east? I searched for the others, hearing them rustling through the bushes. The only light was the faint glow of the moon peeking through the thick greenery. Finally, we found a rocky passage, thanks to the faint light.

"Let's split up to find Max." Miles quickly said. "Ivory, you can teleport higher up the mountain to see if you can spot anything. Justin, head in the direction of the dirt road, and I'll go the opposite way. A fire in this darkness won't be hard to miss." He handed out small flashlights. "If any of you find him first, let me know before you approach him. Got it?" His tone at the end sounded heavier, and it seemed directed at Ivory. She didn't say anything, but I could see her nod in the darkness before she disappeared.

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