Act II - Revolutionary Insurgency Part 2

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The Call of a Promise

          I'm alive! That was my first thought as I regained consciousness. The sounds of the hospital room surrounded me, and the island's sun streamed in through the window, accompanied by the distant chirping of birds.

What happened last night? Was it a dream? No, it couldn't have been. I can tell what's real and whats not, and that encounter was definitely real. But who was that guy? It seems someone doesn't seem to want me involved with The Revolution. 

Abruptly, the door swung open, revealing a young woman entering the room. At first, I didn't recognize her until I could see her face framed by long brown hair – it was Kyriah.

"You're up early! Good, I was hoping we could have a little chat." she said as she settled into a chair.

I was taken aback by the surprise, left momentarily speechless. On top of that, my mind started racing with irrelevant concerns, like how I probably smelled and had morning breath. My thoughts were betraying me – Shit

"I'm sorry if this isn't a good time, I was just on my way to work, and thought I drop by. But I can come back some other time." She began to rise from her seat.

"No!" I yelled out, very stupidly. "I mean, I'm sorry. I didn't expect to see you here. But I'm glad you stopped by, now I can properly thank you for saving me back there."

Kyriah settled back into her chair, her expression changed. As I observed her more closely, I noticed the bags under her eyes. It was quite peculiar because Ivory's words about health being a sign of Clemons cells holders were accurate. Everyone I had met from the group looked incredibly healthy and youthful, even Max despite his hardships. Yet Kyriah appeared like an overworked young adult, barely getting four hours of sleep.

"I talked to Ivory, and she said you still had Miles' power." Kyriah suddenly said.

"Yeah!" I exclaimed enthusiastically. I raised my hand, and a chilly mist started coming off it. I noticed her looking puzzled. "Is something wrong?"

"No, not at all!" she reassured, smiling widely. Her cheeks were round and big, almost covering her dark eyes when she smiled. "It's just that my powers are Erasure, they erase every bit of Clemons cells completely. I thought I hit you with my powers, but apparently I didn't."

But she did. I vividly remember how her powers felt running through me, rapidly destroying the cells inside me. I shouldn't have Miles' power, but somehow I do. It's like destiny is leading me down this path. "Yeah, it seems like you didn't." I chuckled a bit.

"Well, I'll let you rest. I'll see you around soon. Ivory already told me about your next plans. Good luck with that, you'll need it, she's a tough one." she said as she got up and headed to the door.

Next plan?! I haven't even told Ivory, I'm thinking about going back. She seems to think she knows me too well. That's not good. "Thanks, I believe we can do it." I didn't want her to see me clueless or out of the loop, for some reason.

She smiled once more and opened the door to leave. Just as she was about to exit, a thought raced into my mind. "Wait! What happened after I lost consciousness?"

She stopped and without looking back, she replied, "You want to know what happened to Gustavo, I understand. But you should trust Ivory. Bring up the question again at another time; I'm sure she'll tell you then." With that, she closed the door behind her.

Trust? The only person I trust right now in that group is Ryan. 


I just remembered I haven't returned any of his calls. These past days have been insanely hectic, dealing with the doctors and my sister. I haven't had the time, nor the energy, to hold a conversation with Ryan. He'd interrupt me while I try to explain things, telling me how he would've handled every scenario. Love the guy, but he's like a part-time job.

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