Act II - Revolutionary Insurgency Part 10

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... What Lies Ahead

          "It was you all along!" Lucía shouted at Davos, her rage surpassing even that which she had unleashed in the Itayó Forest. "You killed my little brother! Why?!"

Davos's expression was smug as he spoke. "I believed he had the Clemons cells, just like you. Sadly, he didn't, nor did your father. It seems your powers are inherited from your mother's side. Pity she's already dead."

Lucía's aura intensified, glowing brighter than ever, a sign of her escalating fury. Ivory braced herself for the fight, and I too readied myself. Meanwhile, Davos began to emit the same white, sparkling particles that Mateos had when creating his doubles. Shapes began to form from these particles, morphing into duplicates of Senator LaBorda, Mateos, and even Arlo – three of each, creating a total of ten Davos' on the field, including the original.

This provocation only fueled Lucía's anger. She began to radiate an intense light, the heat around her becoming almost unbearable, despite my icy defenses. The air crackled with tension as we prepared to confront Davos and his clone army.  

As Davos' clones charged at us, Ivory stepped forward, raising her hand. Suddenly, she unleashed an invisible force, like a blast, that sent the clones flying backward, past the original Davos.

"What the hell was that?" I couldn't help but express my astonishment.

Ivory replied with a smirk, "I told you, I have more than two powers." 

She then teleported directly to the real Davos, attempting to use her repulsion ability on him, but he remained unmoved, resisting the unseen force as debris and dirt swirled around him. Ivory's surprise was evident, but Davos quickly seized her wrist. Her body began to flicker erratically, like a glitching image, trapped in an unsuccessful attempt to teleport.

"How are you doing this?!" Ivory cried out, visibly shaken.

Davos released his grip with a sly smile, and Ivory teleported away in an instant, collapsing onto the grass beside us as she re-materialized.

The clones, meanwhile, had regained their footing and positioned themselves strategically around Davos, standing with an odd, measured distance between each other, as if bracing for an attack. The rain began to pour down, the storm's dark clouds now overhead, yet curiously, not a single raindrop touched the clones or Davos. It seemed he had erected some kind of magnetic field around them.

As Lucía gathered her energy, a radiant glow emanating from her, I turned to Ivory. "Have you noticed the field around him?"

Ivory nodded, "Yeah, this is going to be a problem."

Lucía stepped forward. She focused her powers on her hand, channeling its energy into a searing beam of intense light. But as her beam surged forward to the clones, it collided with a collective magnetic force field generated by the clones. Her beams of light shattered into prismatic fragments, leaving Lucía momentarily stunned.

"We need to break through that defense." Ivory said as she kept releasing waves of invisible force. This time, the force seemed to make contact with the clones and Davos, but they stood immovable as if their feet were rooted to the ground. I noticed the raindrops finally started to hit them, indicating a shift in their magnetic field.

Davos, with a sinister smile, stood confidently at the heart of the clones, his hands dancing in the air, manipulating the magnetic fields. The clones moved in sync, their bodies deflecting the attacks of Lucía and Ivory with ease, thanks to the magnetic repulsion they were forming. It seemed they were working together to make the magnetic field expand.

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