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A Drop Overflowed The Ocean

          Ordinary. That's the only word I'd have chosen to describe myself. Normal, standard, typical, simple, or unexceptional—all of these fit me perfectly. I live on Vanity Island, part of an archipelago that has three additional islands. Vanity got its name because it remained neutral during the old wars, never aligning with other nations, and the locals never yielding to conquerors. But what the foreign nations craved lies within Teyó, one of our neighboring islands. Teyó boasts a vast rainforest that appears to float, thanks to the crystal-clear waters that surround it. This island is a repository of unique plants, fruits, seeds, insects, and birds, preserved carefully by the people of Vanity for generations. Vanity Island itself is a melting pot, home to settlers from across the globe who brought their flora and fauna, creating a rich tapestry of life found nowhere else.

However, not everything thrives here; what doesn't adapt is swiftly culled. I could immerse you in tales of our islands' histories, but dwelling on the past seems futile now. For the last thirty years, Vanity Island has ceased to forge new tales of its own. The Union States of Columbia (USC) has been gradually infiltrating our government, leveraging corrupt officials to their advantage. Previous attempts to expose USC's silent invasion have all been quashed, the voices behind them erased from history, their names unspoken by newer generations. Today, the USC's influence is unmistakable, privatizing healthcare, seizing public lands, and disrupting natural habitats with their construction, all while eroding our traditions. A new revolution was brewing, one that demanded more than mere solidarity. This time, we needed real power, the kind of strength that could shift the balance. I just hoped our endeavor wouldn't prove us to embody the very vanity our island was named for.

The story begins on the day that I decided to do something out of my ordinary routine; My best friend Ryan had been pestering me to join him at a protest on the beach. He was planning to pick me up and head there to meet some other friends. Honestly, I wasn't keen on going. I imagined it would be packed, and Ryan would be buzzing with energy around his friends at the protest—an energy I knew I couldn't match. But after declining his invitations a good twenty times, and with my sister Annabella berating me for being a poor friend, I felt compelled to agree this time. However, I immediately regretted my decision.

Ryan's other friends were acquainted with Ivory, one of the most vocal protesters on Vanity Island. Lately, she had become quite prominent, known for her unwavering presence at every protest. It seemed she hadn't missed a single one, as if she could be in multiple places at once. Ivory was hard to miss with what people called her 'natural' green hair. More than just a participant, she was a catalyst, drawing influential figures into the movement and inspiring others to join. Her charisma and connections were turning her into a major force, potentially outpacing Lucía, a veteran protester who had been active for over two decades and was the organizer of this very protest. Knowing Lucía's reputation and with Ivory's presence there, I was certain the event would be swamped, which did nothing to ease my apprehension.

I lay on my bed, nerves tingling as I awaited Ryan's call. Dressed for over an hour, I had been imagining various scenarios of how the day might unfold, preparing myself for any eventuality. Glancing at the clock, it read '7:12 am'. Ryan had mentioned the protest was set to start at 7 am, so he should be arriving any minute now.


At the sound of my phone, I leaped from the bed. He must be outside. I grabbed the phone while simultaneously slipping on my sandals.

"Hey, are you here?" I asked, a bit breathless.

"Nah, I'll be out in a few. Just checking if you have a red hat, or something crimson to match?" Ryan replied, his voice annoyingly relaxed.

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