Act II - Revolutionary Insurgency Part 6

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The group fell into a tense silence after Cristofer's revelation. Suspicion hung heavy in the air, and I couldn't blame my friends for their distrust. I found myself torn between wanting to trust him and needing to protect my own.

"Why should we believe you?" I voiced what everyone seemed to be thinking. "You claim he was part of your group, yet he's still wearing the same cloak. Which, by the way, looks very ominous and gives 'bad guys' vibes, so, sorry if we won't trust you right away." I said while Ryan and Fabian taunted the newcomers.

"I told you the cloaks were stupid." The teen said to Cristofer.

He seemed unfazed by the comment and continued explaining himself. "I came here to warn you about him. But, there's more to it. I wanted to weaken your resolve to join Ivory and her group. If you did, they'd be without a leader, and they wouldn't be as involved as they are now, which leaves me with no other choice but to talk to you."

"Why not talk to us before? Are you against the idea of us forming a revolution?" Ivory questioned.

"It's not about the revolution itself," Cristofer replied, his tone intense. "It's about gathering people with Clemons cells and exposing them to the world, pushing them to fight against the government. You're sending them to their deaths with false ideals," he said, clearly wanting to remain hidden from the public eye. It made sense; the general public still believed the videos of Miles using his ice powers in Bo'caní were fake. However, according to Ivory's plan, that wouldn't be the case for much longer. "And besides, talking to you would mean—"

"A TEAM-UP!" An excitable voice suddenly cut through the tension. We turned to see the other cloaked figure, who had vanished and reappeared next to Ivory. "I can't believe I'm meeting Ivory Vestalis! It's such a pleasure!" The hood fell back to reveal a girl with grizzly hair and freckles. "Do you mind if I take a selfie?" She pulled out her cell phone and began posing for pictures. However, she seemed dissatisfied with how she looked and instantly it looked like she teleported to the other side of Ivory, then back again, repeating this process at lightning speed.

"Cabrón... Super speed." Ryan muttered to Fabian.

"And apparently, creating things out of thin air." Fabian replied.

Charles let out a nervous chuckle. "We would've been fucked, huh?"

"Completely fucked." Jennifer agreed.

Cristofer's annoyance was clear as the teen antics continued. "Daniella, please, we're trying to have a serious conversation." he said in a demanding voice, trying to maintain some semblance of order.

"Oops, sorry Cris." In a blink, she had returned to her original spot. Her expression shifted to one of seriousness as she attempted to look intimidating.

Ivory couldn't hide her intrigue. "I don't know you, but it seems you know about the Clemons cells. I never thought I'd encounter another group of people with the same cells as us. How did you all come together?" she asked.

"Cris saved us when we were young—" Daniella began to respond before Cristofer cut her off.

"That's enough. We don't need to divulge our stories, and we certainly don't need to hear yours." Cristofer declared firmly.

"Because you already know them." Ivory retorted, catching onto Daniella's earlier slip where she had mentioned her full name.

Cristofer took a moment before responding. "You're right, we do know everything about your group's daily lives and their abilities. However, we know very little about you. I can't say I don't trust you, but I don't like what you're doing—exposing us. You're well aware of whose attention you're going to attract."

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