Act II - Revolutionary Insurgency Part 8

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Edges of the Spears

The room buzzed with tension as our discussion unfolded. 

"We're going after him, now!" Cristofer's voice carried a fierce determination, his eyes ablaze with anger.

Ivory, as cool-headed as ever, replied, "You know we can't. We won't resort to abusing our powers. We'll find a way to get him back, but not through brute force. That'll make us look weak."

Cristofer's frustration was palpable. "Then how, Ivory?!"

Ivory's eyes glinted with a touch of inspiration. "Can't you see what's happening across the island? Mateos and these guys have made us known. People are learning about us, and they're rallying. We've even got a name, The Sunspears. I'm positive the people will stand together to free him.

Cristofer, though still visibly angry, seemed to pause for a moment. "You better be right. If he's not out in a week, I'll break him out myself."

Ivory's confidence remained unshaken. "We'll organize a protest tomorrow to demand his release. He didn't do anything wrong, and there's a video of him helping people. The public will gather together behind."

Cristofer turned to me, his eyes locking onto mine. He had come to Ivory with his anger about Mateos, and I felt a sense of resentment at the implication. He went to her as if I was a misbehaving dog and Ivory was my master. I'm the leader of this group and I made the decisions, the consequences should fall on me, not on her.

"You're not cut out for this. Miles would never have let them take him." Cristofer said.

"No, he wouldn't have. Worse, he would've saved him and probably gotten arrested himself. But I'm not Miles, and we need to stop comparing me to him. We're where we wanted to be. The government and the people know about us. We have a plan. Mateos made a heroic sacrifice, now, we can use this to rally the people and make us stronger. Next time, let your frustrations and anger out on me, I'm the leader here, and anything that happens, falls on me, not Ivory." I replied firmly, not wavering my eyes from his.

A wry smile crept across Cristofer's face. "To think, you're actually starting to believe you can lead a group like this." With that, he turned and left.

"You did well today." Ivory's reassurance was like a soothing balm to my rising self-doubt.

"Yeah, it was weird at first, but then it all came so naturally. Reacting and trying to protect the people, it felt like that day at Playa Solsticio. That feeling is like no other." I said to Ivory. "Now we need to regroup and divide ourselves into groups. But first, I need to know who's willing to go to the other towns to gather the people for the protest."

I had a plan in mind during the drive, but I needed to gauge our numbers. Cristofer and Kyriah remained elusive figures, and I wasn't sure where they stood in all of this. I know Cristofer doesn't believe in the cause, he still lingers here only to protect his group. And Kyriah is never here and I don't know where she stands in all of this.

"About that, we have one more person to add to the group. I don't know how you'll feel about this, but I believe it'll be a valuable addition." Ivory suddenly said.

Who could she be talking about? Could it be...?

"Ah, here they come now." Ivory remarked.

My gaze shifted to the entrance door, and I saw my little sister, Annie, entering. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of her. "Annie?!" I knew she was referring to my sister. But Annie didn't possess any powers, or did she? We are related, so could she also...?

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