Act II - Revolutionary Insurgency Part 1

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         The Unveiling

          I felt my consciousness resurfacing, like a deep dive back to reality. The world around me was a blur of colors and shapes, gradually coming into focus as my eyelids fluttered open. The weight of my body felt heavy as if I were emerging from a long slumber.

Sounds echoed in my ears, muffled and distant. I strained to make sense of the voices, but they slipped through my grasp. The words danced in my mind.

A throbbing ache pulsed through my head, a reminder of the battle I had just fought. Images flashed before my eyes, fragments of memory piecing together like a shattered mirror. Gustavo's sinister presence, Miles' screams, and Alba... —it all swirled in my mind.

But now, it was all blurry. I remembered the rush of power I had felt, the invincibility coursing through my veins, but I also remember how it felt slipping away, leaving me feeling empty and uncertain.

Taking a deep breath, I attempted to steady myself. The world slowly sharpened, the fragmented pieces coming together. I realized I had awakened from a deep sleep, but the reality that awaited me was forever changed.

How did all of this come to happen? Is this what it means to be in this, so-called Revolution? If so, then I would like no part of it. Those powers are a curse, they bring destruction. But in that single moment, I felt...

Why did I acquire Miles' power also? If this is one of the side effects of having these, Clemons Cells? I needed to ask Ivory so many questions. 

As I opened my eyes once more, the haze began to fade. I was awake, alive, and eager to know what happened after I lost consciousness. Kyriah had interrupted us and managed to subdue Gustavo, but what happened to him? I needed to know.

I looked around and saw myself attached to a machine. I remembered scenes from the movies where characters effortlessly removed tubes and wires, but my efforts were met with a discomfort that rippled through my body. Surprisingly, pain was only a small part of it. Gritting my teeth, I carefully removed the tube from my throat, my breath catching as I did so.

My action must have caught the attention of someone outside, because the door swung open with urgency, revealing eyes that resembled those of a Loris—a creature known for its wide-eyed expression. In an instant, my mind connected the dots: my sister, Annie.

"YOU'RE FINALLY AWAKE!" she burst out, her voice cracking from both relief and emotion.

She must've been terrified, I can only imagine how worried she must've been. We only have each other, and no other family members around, except Mom, whom I would not be surprised if she wasn't here. But still, deep down, I wish she was.

"You're not getting rid of me that easily. We've got plenty of years ahead." I reassured her, my smile an attempt to ease her concern.

"This is what happens when you try to do things you don't know about! You're not fit for the world, big brother. I always pictured you in a regular job, leading a simple life—maybe with a couple of dogs. But this whole revolution thing... I don't know if it suits you." Her reply held a mix of frustration and concern.

Maybe she was right. Maybe I wasn't meant for the complexities and dangers of this world I had wandered into, a world of powers, revolution, and adversaries.

"Wait, how do you know about that?" I asked suspiciously.

"Your girlfriend told me." she replied, her face taking on a serious expression.

"Girlfriend?!" I blurted out, taken aback by the unexpected assertion. Her ensuing laughter reassured me that she was just messing around. It wasn't long before I connected the dots, though.

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