Act III - Resurgence Isle Part 3

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Isolated Echoes

The evening air was cool as we gathered in the living room of our "headquarters", we felt cozy and alive. The room was filled with half of The Sunspears – Kyriah, Ivory, Chase, Fabian, Max, Jennifer, Daniella, and my sister, Annie, who isn't a member but lately she's always around the house.

I looked around at the team and felt pride for what we've managed to achieve across the island. Our progress in recent weeks made me believe more than ever that I could lead this revolution to success. Of course, the Cell Seekers loomed in the background, but as long as we used our powers solely to aid and protect the people, they had no reason to interfere... Right?

Ivory couldn't hide her excitement as we went over the list of towns that have voiced their support for our cause. "Brisalina, Jaguabico, Palmaría, Solimarí, and Cantamar! All of those towns are backing us up in our revolutions against the government. It's a miracle what we have accomplished in less than a month. It just goes to show, people are eager to support each other, rather than letting the government control everything." Her words, filled with enthusiasm, only bolstered our resolve and belief in our mission.

"Where should we head next?" Daniella asked, bubbling with excitement.

Annabella then shifted the direction of our conversation, "What about Amaracuya? We've been so focused on this island but haven't given thought to our neighboring islands. I've heard they're struggling with very limited resources and no help from the outside.

The room went quiet when she mentioned Amaracuya. Everyone's gaze shifted to Ivory, as the island was the place she grew up with Kyriah.

Ivory seemed visibly uneasy, "I don't have any business going back there. Going there won't help us progress any further on the problem we are already facing here in Vanity."

Despite Ivory's hesitations, I couldn't shake off the feeling that we had a duty to help them. If we could, why wouldn't we? Amaracuya might not be as advanced as Vanity Island and their population smaller, but they are still Vanitan and they're in need.

"We can't just turn our backs on Amaracuya," I said firmly. "We have a responsibility to help." We have the numbers and literally the power to help them.

Kyriah quickly showed her support, "Justin is right. We should do whatever we can to help, even if it's just a little."

Her agreement brought a smile to my face. "So, what do you all think? Ready for an adventure outside the island?

No one said a word until Ivory broke the silence. "Fine, you can go, but Chase stays with me." Her declaration made Chase raise an eyebrow in surprise.

"What? Why? He's going to be far more useful there than here." I replied. Chase's abilities are crucial for The Sunspears' expansion. Without him, our progress would slow down.

"He's more needed in Vanity. He's already well-known among the locals, the 'Buhuique', they've started to call him. And with me, we can cover more towns quicker," Ivory argued.

I had always liked having Chase in my group, yet I couldn't deny Ivory made a good point. "Okay, Chase is yours," I conceded, my tone serious yet tinged with humor. "Alright, you can get Chase." My tone is serious yet tinged with humor

Chase, trying to return to his book on electricity amidst our back-and-forth, couldn't help but comment, "I feel like a pet being fought over by Mom and Dad about who gets to walk me next." He attempted to refocus on his reading, a challenging task given his habit of getting sidetracked by anything, like the television that was currently on, adding a layer of distraction.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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