The Aftermath

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Third person pov:

Even though it seemed that she was though the panic attack, her eyes seemed lost like she was conscientiously with us but her mind was in a different place. The girls were all looking at each other unsure of how to approach this situation. They all wanted to help but were unsure how.

Lucy: ''Ellis, hey Ellis are you alright I'm sorry if my question hurt you I didn't mean it in that way we just wanted to get to know you''

Lucy was trying to get Ellis to respond or to at least acknowledge them as she just seemed lost in herself. there was a small sign of her as she looked up to us.

Ellis: '' I'm sorry''

You could see the emotion on her face the tears threatening to spill as she said that all three girls hearts broke, the fact that she was apologising for having a panic attack. They didn't know what to do how do you respond to that, to someone apologising for something they cant control. Leah decided to be the one to respond.

Leah: '' Don't say sorry for that, you have done nothing wrong okay, we are here for you and its up to you what we do. We can stay here or go somewhere else its up to you, we don't mid we are here for you'

Ellis's pov:

I didn't know how to respond I just felt like lost and more welcomed than i ever had before. No one had ever done this for me before, no one had ever stayed they all leave when it gets bad they leave. Yet I have known these people for a few hours and they are still staying with me. I am just to tired to do much at this point, it feels like all the energy I had left me I just wanted to curl up in a ball and sleep.

Ellis: ''Th-thank you for staying, c-can we go to sit down''

Leah: ''Yeah of course anything, we go at your pace okay''

Kiera: ''Exactly this is all up to you Ellis, were all here for you, I know we have just met but we care''

I slowly started to stand up my legs feeling like jelly, like they could give up at any moment, the girls realised this and supported me. I slowly made my way to a smaller room near the larger chill room with a few sofas in. I could hear the girls slightly from the larger room their seemed to be a happier atmosphere but there wasn't as much laughter as before I couldn't help but think that this was because of me. Then the guilt started to creep back in, my mind started to tick again the thoughts creeping their way back in 'I ruined this', 'its all my fault'. I couldn't keep doing this on my own I needed to let people in, maybe these were those people, the people I let in.

I sat down on the sofa and immediately curled up into a ball, I just needed time, time to think.

Third person pov:

She fell asleep pretty quickly after they arrived in the smaller rooms. All of the girls shared the same look of sympathy for the girl and concern. None were quite sure how to continue, she had seemed so happy then one question had such a profound effect. They all sat in a peaceful a silence for a few hours watching a film until it was time for them to eat. They knew it was time to wake the girl up as Sarina had quite a few activities planned for the evening to properly get the camp started. They just hoped Ellis was up for it, the panic attack took a lot out of her they just hoped she would be okay. You could tell the girls already cared a lot, that was one thing this team were is a family unit and no one could dispute their friendship stop each other.

Leah: ''Ellis, hey Ellis we need to go to dinner''

She slowly started to wake up looking better than she did when she went to sleep, hopefully she was up for activities, but she would always be priority they would go at her pace.

Ellis's pov:

I was being lightly tapped by who I wasn't quite sure yet, but a sense of relief swept over me as I realised they were still here. They had given up spending time with the team who they knew a lot better than me to make sure I was okay. There was just something about these girls that I felt I could trust.

I was feeling better still a bit tired but more energy than before. I slowly started to sit up.

Leah: ''You feeling up for dinner?''

Ellis: '' Yeah I'm feeling a bit better, thank you for staying with me, you didn't have to but I do appreciate it''

Lucy: ''We wouldn't have gone anywhere, you are a part of this team now and we fight for each other no matter what''

It's hard to put into words how much that meant to me I am a very closed of person and I don't trust easily yet they make it so easy and I already feel like a part of this team that I have only been a part of for a few hours.

We slowly started making our way to the dining room, our 4 slowly started to grow as more of the girls started to join us each one sending us a sympathetic smile my way. I knew they meant well but it I didn't want to receive a sympathy smile I wanted to be smiling with them laughing at the jokes, but you can tell it is all coming from a good place.
Thanks for reading I will update every Sunday, if you have any suggestions please comment and if you enjoy please vote :)

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