Chapter 1

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"I'm so fucking excited to see you guys, you have no idea." I squealed into the phone.

"I know Mad! Nance can't stop talking about all the places she's going to take you while you're here." Steve chuckled. "What time is you're flight?"

"Uhm.. 8am. It's a 2 hour flight." I said, holding the phone between my cheek and shoulder.

"Well I'll be there at 10am sharp to get you guys." He said.

"Okay, great. Well I'm gonna go finish packing and get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow. I love you, Stevie." I smiled.

"I love you too, Mad." He said before the sound of the click. I joyfully sighed and hung up the phone. I walked over to the kitchen counter and started going through at the mail. My heart ached in my chest when I saw the paper. Front fucking page.. Again.

"Corroded Coffin top of the charts for the sixth week in a row."

It's been six years since I left Eddie in Hawkins, since I read that fucking letter. Since I heard his voice, or smelled his cologne. Six brutally painful years.

And despite all of my efforts, I never forgot him and when he made it big, I couldn't escape him. He was everywhere. Magazines, news papers, buses, benches, his music was playing in every store or restaurant I went into.

After I graduated college I moved out of the city in hopes of getting away from everything and it worked, aside from a news paper every now and then. I've worked hard these past six years, Eddie wasn't the only one that made it. I wrote and got my first book published two years ago, our story. It instantly flew to the top of the best sellers list, so for the past two years my life has been full of book signings and calls from directors wanting to turn it into a movie or a TV show.

Which, I agreed too.

So the movie for my book has slowly been in the works, but the same question never ended.. Is there a sequel? Do they end up together? To which I also replied the same open ended response. 'We just have to wait and see.'


"In here, Chris." I smiled hearing my best friend coming through the door. She rounded the corner with the biggest smile of her face. "How are you? How was tour with Gareth?" I teased.

"It was so fucking long, but good. I'm just ready for some much needed girl time and over priced drinks." She giggled. I threw my head back laughing before pulling her in for a hug. "He asked about you."

I pulled back quickly and gave her a look.

"I just said you were good. Nothing else." She held her hands up in defense. I gave her a small nod and hung my head down.

"How is he?" I asked blinking away tears.

"Good, he's good." She said, giving me a small smile. Is he seeing anyone?

"That's good."

Chrissy's been my spy for years, my way to Eddie without actually being with him. She kept me up to speed with everything. Every emotion he had, every time he fell off the wagon, everything. After he went to New York he struggled a lot. The whole band struggled.

Eddie drank a lot, smoked a lot, and it put the band at risk. Eventually he got sober and the band took off, but then he fell of the wagon again. And again. But he's been sober for two years now. Chrissy looked down and noticed the paper sitting on the counter, her face quickly shifted to concern. "You okay."

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled.


"Chrissy." I said walking away from the counter.

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