Chapter 7

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Eddie's POV:

The sweet smell of her shampoo evaded my nostrils while the bright sunlight burned my eyes. I snuggled closer to her body, relaxing in her warmth.

I finally told her, I broke down and told her the truth. I couldn't hide it from her anymore, not with my upcoming tour. The last one was hard enough. Avoiding parties like they're the fucking plague only works so much.

We were all doing it, Gareth finally quit because Chrissy asked him to. But Jeff...

Jeff has this groupie turned girlfriend that only wants to party and stay fucked up. I know he tries to hide it for my sake but I know, I can see it in his eyes. The white powder residue under his nose.

I hate watching him go down this path, but I'm not allowed to talk to him about it. Anytime I try I'm called a hypocrite, a junkie like me isn't allowed to have an opinion. So I keep my mouth shut.

She stirred gently against me, a small sigh leaving her lips. "Good morning." She hummed.

"Good morning, beautiful." I replied, my voice still groggy from sleep. She rolled in my arms so she could look at me, her beautiful eyes bright with a nights rest.

I feel the same, in the years we were apart I was so empty. Sleep never came easy, eventually the only way I could sleep was from being on a drug induced bender. But being back in her arms, in her presence, I don't think I've ever felt more awake.

I brought my hand to her cheek brushing a few stray pieces of her hair behind her ear.

"Pretty, pretty lion." She breathed, my heart warmed at that. I haven't heard that in years, and fuck, did it sound so heavenly falling from her lips.

"My pretty lamb." I tapped the tip of her nose grinning like an idiot when she giggled. "Can I take you somewhere today? Just you and me?" I asked. My surprise has been burning a hole in my pocket since I bought it.

The day the girls went shopping, Steve and I took our chance to disappear and do some shopping of our own.

I made a promise to Maddy, a promise to show her I could be the man she needed and wanted.

"Sounds perfect." She hummed.

I leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips. "Good, get ready." I slapped her ass, pulling a squeal from her.

"Do I have a dress code." She smirked as she got out of bed, her goddess like naked body glowing in the morning sun. I pulled my bottom lips between my teeth as my eyes followed the curves of her body.

I couldn't take my eyes off of her, getting drunk off of her. "Just wear something comfortable." I choked out.

"Okay." She teased as she sashayed away towards the bathroom, the delicious fat of her ass and thighs jiggling with each pronounced step.

I heard the shower turn on so I took the opportunity to step out and go to my room to change. After getting some clean clothes on I headed down stairs. noticing Steve and Nancy kissing as steam left their coffee cups.

I cleared my throat to announce my presence, kicking myself since I ruined the moment. They separated quickly, blush rising on their cheeks. "Sorry, man." Steve said.

"Hey, man. Your house." I threw my hands up. "I need to ask you a question." I said leaning over the counter as Nancy slip a cup of coffee my way.

"What's up?" Steve asked attempting to blow the heat off his coffee.

"Where's a good place to go on a date?" I asked sipping my drink.

"There's this place, like an hour from here Puget Sound." He said with a smile.

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