Chapter 14

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Two Months Later:

"Ms. Davis? The director would like to see you." Janice smiled standing in the door way of the writing room.

"Be right there!" I chirped, I jumped out of my seat and followed after her. She led us to the set and towards George, who was sitting off to the side in his director chair.

"Maddy!" He shouted as I approached.

"George." I smiled giving him a side hug.

"How are you today?" He gave me a toothy grin.

"Just fine. Janice said you wanted to see me?" I asked quirking an eyebrow.

"Uh yeah. I need your input on this scene." He motioned me over to the camera. This was the scene were the two main characters break up in the front yard of her friends party.

He showed me the tape and waited for my response. "It's good, but the only thing is it needs to have more sadness not just anger on her part. Because she's holding on to the fact that she promised her father that she was going to go to the college that he wanted before he died." I explained.

"Perfect." He smiled. "So today's your last day. How do you feel?" He asked.

"Great. I'm sad that it's over but I'm ready to get back to Eddie." I blushed.

"How is he?" He quirked a judgmental eyebrow.

"He's having a blast on tour." I giggled completely ignoring his face. "He's doing perfect."

"That's great." He gave a smile that didn't meet his eyes. "We'll that's all I needed. We're going to wrap up for the day so you're welcome to go ahead and go."

"Awesome. Well it was nice working with you George."

"You too, Maddy." He gave me another hug that lingered longer than I'd like it too. So I pulled away and walked back towards the writing room to gather the rest of my belongings.

Mine and Chrissy's flight is tomorrow morning, we're headed to New York to join Corroded Coffin on their tour. And I couldn't be more excited.

Aside from the fact that I've been keeping a huge secret from everyone. Mainly because I'm scared to know the truth. It could be stress, right?

I mean how else could you miss two periods....

I've been in a constant state of panic since I realized that I had missed my first period, even more now that I've missed two. And Eddie has no idea...

I want to think that he'd be happy and excited but with him being on tour constantly and his life in general being all over the place, the constant lack of privacy. I don't think he's going to be over the moon about it.

We already had issues the first week I was here when we were the first page of every top news paper and magazine.

"Eddie Munson's new girl?"

Pictures of us from that night in front of the hotel littered the page. And the hate. Good god, that hateful things people had to say were disgusting, but some how no one had any idea who I was because my face was covered, thank god.

I know I need to talk to someone so I can at least rid myself of some of the weight on my chest. I planned on talking to Chrissy about it tonight when I got home. I tried to say it at least a hundred times over the last two months but froze every time.

I'm terrified of what everyone is going to think if I am. Are they going to disown me?

Hell Eddie and I haven't been back together but four months and I'm already knocked up! What the fuck are people going to think of me?

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