Chapter 8

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I'm nervous.

My heart pounding out of my chest, my palms are sweaty. I felt like I could throw up. My first time in six years seeing Eddie perform.

What the fuck do I wear?

Oh my god! I'm freaking out.

I skimmed through my closet a least a hundred times trying to find something to wear that isn't cocktail hour or home body slob.

"Nance!" I yelled burying my face in my wardrobe. There was a small knock at the door. "Come in." I muttered, my voice muffled by the soft cotton.

"What's up?" She asked poking her head in.

"I need help." I groaned throwing my hands up. She giggled before coming to my side pulling me away from the closet to the bed.

"Sit." She ordered stifling a laugh. I crossed my arms over my chest pouting as she skimmed through my closet.

"I don't have anything." I said throwing myself back on the mattress. Letting out a dramatic sigh.

"Okay, follow me." She huffed, she threw open the door and started down the hallway towards her room. I trudged behind her following her into her room.

It was definitely what I expected her room to look like, real and fake plants filled the space. Mostly white, but the occasional pop of pink; definitely Nance. Very clean and bright with a fresh linen smell looming in the air.

"It's beautiful in here." I said gawking at her space.

"Thanks." She gleamed pulling open her closet doors, I sat down on her bed as she laid out options next to me.

After her bed was filled with clothes she turned to me huffing her bangs out of her face. "You should be able to find something in here." She smiled wiping the sweat from her brow.

I started skimming through scrunching up my nose at some and the others putting in a separate pile. I instantly grabbed the tight black leather pants, folding them over my arm. "I think I have a shirt." I mumbled to myself. "Shoes..." I glanced at her, she responded with a small nod motioning to her closet.

I spotted her pair of black stilettos with red bottoms, I held them up as a way to ask. "Sure." She smiled.

"Thank you! I love you!" I bounced over to her kissing her cheeks and hurrying back to my room. Robin and Chrissy were sitting on my bed with makeup bags in hand.

"We're here to help." Chrissy smiled brightly.

I huffed in a laugh, blowing my bangs out of my face. I gave a small nod and jumped on the bed in front of them.

"So how are things going.. With him." Robin asked running her fingers through my tangled hair.

"It's going pretty great.. Ow!" I winced when her ring snagged my hair.

"Sorry." She giggled.

"No, everything is going really great honestly." I blushed looking down at the beautiful ring on my finger.

"I noticed." Chrissy smirked, her eyes moving to my hand. She held my hand in hers to inspect the ring, smiling as she twisted my ringer back and forth.

"Happy looks good on you." Robin continued to move her fingers through my hair, pulling some knots out.

"Thanks Rob." I gave her a shy smile.

"Straight or curly?" She asked playfully wrapping my hair around my face making me laugh.

"Straight." I said with a hasty nod. She hopped off the bed and went to the bathroom grabbing my flat iron off the counter. She plugged it in next to my bed and rushed back to the bathroom to grab my brush, then left to get something from her room.

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