Chapter 12

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I only have less than a week with Eddie. Many questions are racking my brain. Do I go? Do I stay? Will we work out?

"Maddy? Earth to Maddy?" Amber asked through the phone, finally I was able to form words.

"Yes. Yeah sorry." I muttered through my dry throat.

"Is everything okay? I thought you'd be excited.."

"I am. I am. Sorry just a lot to process. I thought I had two months.." I ran my fingers through my hair before turning to Eddie, those sad eyes told me he heard the entire conversation.

"We'll they decided to start early I guess." She sighed. "You still want to go right?"

"I- I- Uh.." I gave Eddie a look, a part of me looking for a yes, the other part looking for a no. He knew what I was asking, he placed his hand on my thigh giving it a squeeze for giving me nod. 'Go.' He mouthed with a smile.

I pulled the phone away from my ear covering it with my hand. "Are you sure, I can stay." I whispered.

"Maddy, this is a once in a life time opportunity, you have to go." He argued.


"No buts, Mad. You're going and you're going to be fucking amazing." His eyes shined with pure adoration, his hand grabbed mine pulling my knuckles to his lips where he pressed sweet kisses.

"Okay.." I sighed and brought the phone back to my ear, instantly heaving Amber's worried voice calling my name.

"Maddy. Maddy. Maddy." She spoke over and over again.

"Okay, I'm good to go." I said quickly, praying my fastness hid the sorrow in my voice. Mean while my heart was sinking to my stomach, anxiety rising like bile in the back of my throat.

I don't want to go. I'm not ready to leave him behind.

"Okay, we'll I've already got you flight scheduled for this Friday." She responded, her voice a little less strained.

"Okay, so four days from now. What time do I need to be there?" I asked.

"Flight leaves at 10 am so you can be there for the meeting at 2 pm."

"Okay, thanks Amber, I'm sure I'll talk to you before then.." I tried to put on a smile, but I refused to hide how I was feeling. I'm sad.

I'm not home with out him..

Amber told me a quick 'goodbye' before hanging up the phone, I placed the phone down and fell into Eddie's side as he wrapped him arm around me. "It's going to be fine." He whispered.

"I know." I said, a small piece of me didn't believe a single word I said. And the way he hugged me tighter proved he knew that.

"Everything okay?" Chrissy asked, I shot my head up quickly, honestly forgetting that her and Gareth were still here.

"Uhm, I'm leaving Friday for the movie." I was barely able to meet her eyes, I won't cry. Eddie's right, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I'm not going to sit here and cry over it.

"Wow, uhm. That's great?" I knew she was struggling to find the right words. "I'm happy for you." She smiled.

"Thanks." I sighed with a small smile.

"Yeah, Mad that's amazing." Gareth said.

"Okay, enough. We are not going to sit a dwell. You've got four days left? Lets make the fucking most of it, yeah?" Eddie said standing from his place on the couch.

"What did you have in mind?" I asked.

"Let's go back, get Steve, Nance, and Rob and we'll go somewhere, party, drink. What ever you want to do." He smiled.

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