Chapter 9

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"Lets fucking do this!" Eddie shouted towards his band mates, all of them giving him an enthusiastic nod. The starting cords blasted through the venue, the crowd singing along with every word that left his perfect lips.

I instantly left my seat grabbing Chrissy's hand and getting closer to the stage, banging my head with the rest of the crowd. I'm ashamed to admit I don't know a lot of his songs, it was to painful to listen; hearing his voice broke my heart.

He sings his heart out, belting the lyrics into the mic. His stage presence is everything I'd imagined and more, bouncing up and down, banging his head with James and Jeff. He's amazing.

I shamelessly find myself gawking, fuck, it's hard not to when he's like this. His body and voice begging your eyes to watch, then thank him afterwards.

If I wasn't turned on before, I definitely am now.

The first song came to a close, he walked back to the small stage Gareth was positioned on and grabbed a water bottle, taking a few big gulps before he winced.

I guess it wasn't water..

I watched as Gareth shot him a smirk, to which Eddie flipped him off laughing.

He's completely different when he's on stage, always has been. This persona takes over and he becomes this insanely confident, unashamed Eddie. It's breathtaking.

They started a new song, this one much more energetic than the last. His hair was stuck to his face from sweat as he ran around the stage. His fingers moved rapidly up the frets of his guitar, his hair moving wildly as he banged his head.

Goddamn, those fingers....

Chrissy screamed the words along with him making me bounce and dance with her. Our movement caught Eddie's gaze, he grabbed Gareth's attention and pointed to us. They both laughed as they watched us move.

He puckered his lips at me before biting his bottom lip, I blew him a quick kiss. He stepped back in front of the mic, keeping one hand on his guitar as his other hand held the stand. He screamed the lyrics, his raspy voice vibrating the floor I'm standing on.

I felt my heart pound in my chest.

He dropped to his knees at the end of the stage leaning forward, girls grabbed for him. Two girl in particular reached up and grabbed his shirt, ripping it down the middle.

The jealousy bubbled.

He held their hands while he sang the lyrics directly to them, more girls reached for him, their hands traveling his chest, arms... His thighs.

Don't like that.

He finally stood back up when the song was finished and grabbed the same bottle in his hand. He walked back to the end of the stage, taking a big gulp. He crouched down as he took another sip, he thrusted the air while he spit the liquid onto the crowd.

The girls in the front went absolutely feral, clawing for him.

Really don't like that.

He slung his guitar behind his back and walked over to the mic again, taking a deep breath before speaking. "My beautiful girlfriend is here tonight..." He rasped. My cheeks flushed and butterflies erupted in my stomach. Chrissy squealed squeezing my arm.

"This goes out to you, baby. I love you." He shot me a wink and I returned a smile.

"When we were made."

"It was no accident."

"We were tangled up like branches in a flood."

"I come as a blade."

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