Chapter 17

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A/N: Apologies in advance for this one.

"You need to be prepared.... His heart is very weak.... He may have brain damage.... He may never wake up.... Tested positive for opioids as well as Cocaine..."

Opioids? What fucking opioids?

How long have I been sitting here? How long have I been at this hospital?

I barely raised my head from my knees and glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. It's only been three hours. I feel like I've been here for days, weeks I feel like I've been sitting in the same spot waiting to see him.

"Where is he!"

"Someone tell me where he is!"

"Is he okay?"

"Where is my son!"

My heart retracts hearing that voice. I could pick it out amongst thousands. I rushed to pull myself to my feet walking towards his frantic shouting, when I turned to corner I see his aged leather jacket that Eddie used to wear when we were little. His hands moving rapidly, his voice cracking with sorrow each time he spoke.

"Where is Eddie Munson? Where is my son?"

"Wayne." My voice broke the instant I opened my mouth. His head whipped in my direction and my heart shattered seeing his face soaked in tears, his blood shot eyes meeting mine. He cradled me in his arms while I buried my face in his chest.

"I'm sorry." I wailed, my body continued to shake against him.

"This is not your fault. Don't you dare apologize." His gruffy voice soothed my nerves, I frantically nodded and squeezed him as tight as I could.

"Munson." A voice called out from behind us. I pulled my head away from his chest and spotted the doctor standing at the door scanning over the waiting room. "Munson."

"Here! Here!" I shouted back pushing Wayne away and pulling him towards the doctor. "How is he?" I spoke with rushed urgency.

"He's stable. He has not woken up, but he is responding to stimuli. I need to clarify that his heart has been pushed to its limit and it may give out at any moment." He gave us the same sympathetic look I've been receiving for hours, I frowned at that.

"So, he could die?" I asked while tears soaked my cheeks.

"Yes. I'm very sorry." He placed a gentle hand on my shoulder, giving me a small squeeze. I let my head fall against Wayne chest, his heart was pounding and I could feel him shaking.

"Can we see him?" Wayne asked, his voice trembling with each word.

"Of course, follow me." Wayne pulled me with him, his arm wrapped tightly around my shoulder. The doctor stopped in front of a door and pushed it open gently then stepped aside se we could walk in. Before we could enter he gently halted our steps with the raising of his hand. "I do need to warn you that he has had multiple seizures due to the lack of oxygen to his brain." With that he gave us a small nod of his head and lowered his hand so we could enter the room.

I don't think I could ever forget this moment, he looked so broken. The oxygen tube sticking out of his nose, the wires attached to his skin hooked up to different machines, IV's in both arms.

I'll never be able to forget this image. Wayne led me to one side on the bed while he took the other side, each of us holding one of Eddie's hands. I couldn't stop myself from taking his hand and placing it on my cheek, I cried harder feeling his warmth against my face. The warmth I've missed so much, why did I push him away?

"You gotta come back to me, Eds." Wayne spoke gently. "I can't lose you, son."

I slowly brought my hand to his face, moving his bangs away from his forehead. I leaned down and pressed a kiss to his head, my lips trembling as I struggled to pull away. "Eddie." I whispered.

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