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I collapsed to the dirt, gasping for breath. I don't think I'll ever be used to traveling like that.

"Now that your little friend is gone, hand over the wand." I felt his hand grip onto my hair, yanking me to my feet. He growled in my ear.

"Over my dead body." I hissed out, he laughed, throwing me back down to the ground.

"Show this girl that we mean business!" He was gone, a trail of smoke then his cronies arrived. I pushed myself onto my knee, eyes affixed to them. I had to be quick, I couldn't let them overwhelm or over power me.

One stepped toward me, I wiped my wand around. The man flung back and forth in the air before being smacked down into the ground.

"I'm not going down without a fight!" I bit out, the smart ones hesitated but they weren't smart enough. The first spell towards me was blocked and they delved into me. The fight was chaotic and brutal. I threw them into pillars and walls. Chucked rocks at them, one by one I took them out.

"She's a child! Kill her already!"

Rickwood entered the battle again, magic flowed out of either of our wands. His green and mine blue. The streams clashed, magic spitting out over the ground. I was not dying here today and that man greatly underestimated this 'child'. I put my will into my wand. My will to over power his magic and my want to finish this to get to that final repository.

My magic overpowered him, hitting him dead on. He gripped his chest and was gone again into that trail of black smoke.


More of his men came, attempting to surround and overpower me.

"Depulso!" The men launched back, "Levioso!" They lurched, "Difindo!" They slammed down onto the ground. Rookwood attempted to attack from behind. I twisted our magics clashing yet again.

"It's over Rookwood!"

"I will not be defeated by a child!" His words spat at me, face twisting in anger.

"You already have!" My magic overpowered him yet again, this time when it struck him he stumbled. Hand grabbing at his chest, body flaking away to nothing but bits of ash to the wind.

Victor Rookwood was finally dead.


"Thank Godrics' heart you're alright! I was worried when Mr. Sallow came running in here."

"Where's Sebastian?" I asked, he wasn't in the map chamber.

"He and the rest of the students have been ordered to stay in their common rooms. I've informed Professor Weasley of what's been going on. I'm regretful that I didn't involve her sooner but it doesn't matter we must go before Ranrok gets to the last Repository."

The Keepers opened the way and down Professor Fig and I went.


I stared at the Goblin Silver containing such volatile magic, thoughts went through my head, the last pensive showed me what this power had done to Isadora. How it warped her mind, corrupted her.

"What will you do my dear?" Professor Fig asked, "Your face says your thinking."

"I intend to open and harness this power." I murmured.

"Even after you saw what happened to Isadora?" He sounded surprised, though not angry with my choice.

"I will learn from her mistakes, I will shape it to my will and continue her work. This power is too dangerous to let stay under here... I will claim it and when it's my time it will die with me."

Legacy Undone: Sebastian/MC/OminisWhere stories live. Discover now