The Beginning of The End: Part 1

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"Again..." The monotone voice of Ada's Father rang out. I braced my mind but yet he forced his way through my meager attempt to block him. I had been right in the carriage. Nox's Father was unforgiving, he delved into the deepest parts of my mind and brought out the worst of my memories and nightmares. I had to fight to block him out, but I managed to.

His methods were harsh but effective considering we had been working on this fully for well over a week.

"Good, but not good enough." His steps sounded out in the room of his study, something that had an unnatural looming silence. Walls decorated with moving portraits and shelves lined with dark artifacts. Curtains drawn so I wouldn't be distracted by the outside world. I saw him walk past me to his desk where the pale fingers lightly stroked along the dark wood. "Remember what I told you, Sebastian."

"I must make my mind impenetrable." I hissed out, my head throbbed from the pain of repeated intrusions.

"Rest your eyes and clear your mind." He murmured, I did as I was told. Only listening to his steps and he walked to another portion of the room. There was a pop, then the sound of crystal being clinked together. Then the steps approached me again and set something down on the table beside me. I opened my eyes looking at the glass of Brennevin.

"Drink it then go relax for the rest of the day. I have other matters I must attend to."

"Yes Sir." I picked the drink up and downed it. The contents burned my throat and cleared my sinuses but was quick to dull the ache in my skull. I got up and left, he wasn't one for unneeded idle chit chat. I left the room and was met with an almost blinding light from the windows. My fingers rubbed at my eyes, walking by the windows towards my room I was met with the sight of Ada and Poppy practicing their magic. Ominis and Ada's mother, Asterope Marrow, were sitting drinking tea at a table that had been placed outside. The offer for training had been extended to Ominis but he had vehemently refused, he still held onto his compunctions regarding Dark Magic much to Elias Marrow's displeasure.

I could tell he wasn't too pleased that the one planning to propose to his Daughter wasn't willing to learn such stuff and was even more displeased that Ada didn't want to join in the Occlumency Training either. I had asked her privately about it and all she said was that there were memories she didn't want her parents knowing about let alone seeing. I left it at that.

Though such displeasure was brought to a halt when Ada's magic was explained and shown to them. Both were surprised, seeing the booming crack of lightning she summoned had absolutely destroyed the poor tree on their property. Even more impressed that she was able to fling random objects with her magic among many other skills she had picked up. I watched her talking with Poppy as she tapped the tip of her wand into the palm of her hand.

I leaned against the window watching her, watching them. I was still waiting for some sort of backlash from the realization that I had still been practicing Dark Magic, even after I had promised I wouldn't. Even if the promise was only directed to Ada, I had at least expected Ominis to say something, to question me. To demand an answer as to why I had lied to her, but it never came.

Were they waiting for, when we were alone? Waiting for an opportune moment? My thoughts had almost consumed me when I saw her face towards the estate, her eyes locking onto me. Then the softest smile spread over her lips. The sunlight bouncing off her skin and shining her hair just a shade lighter. My shoulders relaxed and I felt my mouth open. She waved to me, I almost wanted to open the window and throw myself out of it to go to her.

I waved back, then saw her attention get pulled away again by either her Mother or Ominis as she looked towards them. I watched for just a bit more then moved back on, making my way to my room.

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