Second Trial

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    The rest of the week up until today was filled with nightmares, each one more detailed than the last. Professor Sharp and Nurse Blainley were unsure how to proceed. The Sleeping Draught couldn't be used anymore, it only trapped me within the nightmares. I was back to how I was at the end of my last year. Too scared to sleep, too frightened of what nightmares I'd face next. It had been three days, three agonizing days.

Most nights I couldn't bear sleeping alone, Poppy sleeping with me so she could comfort me when I woke up crying again but even I had to admit that I felt awful for keeping my roommates awake. My brother had hired a Cart to have us travel up North toward Pitt-Upon-Ford Hamlet, we were taking the cart because Nox was worried about using the Floo when my brain had been so addled.

I had barely seen Ominis and Sebastian had heard of my returning nightmares but wanted to give me space. I leaned against Poppy, head resting on her shoulder while her fingers massaged my scalp. Trying to get me to relax, I held a pouch of magic dust Professor Weasley had given me at the beginning of my Fifth Year. It was to help show me around the castle.

I thought maybe Ominis could use it, seeing as the dusty butterflies glowed in dim light, to get him where he needed to go. My thumb rubbed along the leather pouch, glancing to the other side my brother watched me, brows pressed together.

"Sebastian is meeting us at the Inn." Nox said, his eyes looking between Poppy and I, "If that's alright with you Ada? He doesn't want to intrude if you don't want to see him."

"N-No it's fine." I closed my eyes, relaxing myself against Poppy.

"You should try to sleep." Poppy murmured to me.

"I... I can't."

"You can and you will." Nox huffed, crossing his arms finally looking away from the both of us to watch the swamplands roll by. I tried talking again only to be softly shushed by Poppy. She was still rubbing a spot between my eyes that seemed to relax me further. Silence overtook us and I somehow managed to sleep.


I followed a boy leading me along the darkened path through the forest. A back infront of me stopped suddenly. Blonde hair a mess as he tried to navigate on his own through the darkened forest, though distracted. 

Death watched over a mound of roots in between gnarled trees, only growing bigger and bigger as his form morphed into that of a troll. Giant clumsy hands breaking apart the trees around it, trying to squeeze through to grasp at the boy. He was gripped like a doll in a child's hand and I witnessed him taken apart like one.


I jerked forward gasping, Poppy suddenly startled by my sudden movement. Her hands rested on my shoulders.

"Ada? What's wrong, was it another nightmare?"

"Troll. Troll, there was a troll..." My memory of what I saw had faded, noticing we had arrived at the hamlet.

"A troll?" Poppy murmured, rubbing my back.

"Something doesn't feel right..." I murmured, "I... I need to find Ominis." Nox was suddenly crouched down in front of me, holding my face with his hands.

"Ada..." I looked into his eyes and felt a wave of calmness wash over me, "Ominis will be fine... I'll be sure of it. It was just a dream."

"Just... A dream..." I nodded along with him, breathing in fresh air.

"Just a dream." He repeated to me, "Now we're going to the Inn, going to get a nice big meal in you and we're going to go to the second trial. Alright?" His hand patted at my cheek, holding his hands out to both Poppy and I. He lifted us to our feet then the man who had driven the cart here helped us all out.

Legacy Undone: Sebastian/MC/OminisWhere stories live. Discover now