Goblet of Fire

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I stood off to the side watching Nox Marrow sit at the fireplace talking with a Slytherin girl about his time at Durmstrang, his house and the extracurricular he partook in. He wasn't even hiding the fact he practiced Dark Arts, something that had people frightened of Ominis, outcast him, and had them attracted to Nox. Perhaps it was his demeanor, how damn cocky he was and how he leaned into those girls and teased them with soft whispers. People were so fickle.

I was waiting on Ominis, despite our fight I had taken the time to cool off. He had every right to not want to help me, he had every right to pursue Ada as well. So I would not let it ruin a friendship that I held so dear to my heart. I had apologized to him when he returned last night, we would be partaking in a healthy rivalry for her affections but for now I wanted to know why Nox was here.

Every time a girl asked him why he transferred to Hogwarts he sidestepped the question. I leaned against the railing watching Nox and waiting for Ominis to join me.

A hand rested on my shoulder, I glanced back to find Ominis finding he had finally finished readying himself for the day. Uniforms were still mandatory over the weekends for the sixth year but we had some leeway. His hair was still combed back but his first two buttons of his dress shirt were unbuttoned and his tie loose.

"Is he still here?" He asked, lightly tapping the tip of his wand into his palm.

"Yes he's at the fireplace flirting with a seventh year girl."

"Over hear any information?" He questioned standing beside me now, I straightened out more uncrossing my arms.

"No, only that he was part of House Atticus."

"Those who are particularly brave, cunning and masters of dark arts?" He murmured, twirling his wand at hand.

"Yes, I'm not surprised he was put directly into Slytherin seeing as Salazar himself created the school and supported the creation of that house."

"Yes... Shall we have a talk with him?" Ominis murmured, his eyes narrowing.

"Regular talk or try to intimidate him?"

"I say we rile him up enough in hopes something slips." Ominis held a bit of a hiss to his voice.

"So the old goading and insults tactic?" It was something we'd grown to do well together. Ominis insults the person and I goad them into a fight.

"No, accusations and interrogation."

"Perfect, see this is why we work well as a team."

"Yes we work quite well." Ominis hummed, he started to walk towards the fireplace. He didn't need his wand here. The layout never changed and he had the Common room memorized to a T. I followed after, watching as Ominis hand slid over the back of the couch and arm as he walked around to sit down next to Nox. I followed about the other side taking Flora Jameson's hand.

"Very sorry Flora but Ominis and I need to have a talk with Nox privately." I pulled her up quickly to her feet, she gasped

"How rude!" She huffed, "Another time Nox." Her hands stroked over her skirts as she walked off with a huff.

"I look forward to it, Flower!" He crooned at her, he rested his arms over the back of the couch now, legs crossed. I sat down on his other side. Ominis and I sitting at either side.

"So what do I owe the pleasure of having you both butt in to my time with such a lovely girl."

"We'd like to know why you're here." Ominis crossed his legs, head tilted towards him waiting for an answer.

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