the answers...

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It was their D-day Arrival, Finally she's home where she was supposed to be.

I've been trying to work so that I'll be occupied. Then my phone kept on ringing

It's Papa...

Papa: Charlotte, where are you?

Me: I'm at work Papa... I just asked Heidi to send flowers as my welcome gift to them...

Papa: Okay, I'm just checking. P'fa has herself interviewed today...and I think P'Van will talk to you when she's available. I have to go.

Me: Okay, Papa see you na ka~~

~~I'm the first to say that I'm not perfect/ And you're the first to say you want the best thing

But now I know a perfect way to let you go//Give my last hello, hope it's worth it~~~

As expected, when I reached the hotel P'Van called me into her room.

"Did you see those clips right?" She asked. I nod.

"Did you also read some of the sensitive tweets from other people?"

Another follow up question...but before she asked the next question. I stood up and took a deep breath, this anxiousness I have inside won't seem to go away unless I wont say this...Even it breaks me to say this. I must, it's for our career and for our own future...

"Okay, Phi... I've been thinking for days. I'm going to reserve what I have. I mean, I'm going to keep this by myself but I can't stop myself if I ever make a moment whenever we're together. I won't also let her feel that I'm going to stop her chasing her dreams. We all share one goal in this organization, is to reach each one's dream and I won't like to be a hindrance or to stop her from chasing it since she's now so close to reaching it."

I'm panting...Whooo, that was a relief...I was rapping with all my heart and stopping my tears and voice to crack but her face was grinning from ear to ear(?)...Does she think I'm joking at this point? So, I cleared my throat and showed that I'm serious so she adjusted her facial expression since I'm going to sulk at her in no time.

"I said what I said" As I close my speech.

She just smiled and seems like she's searching someone in her contacts and before she clicked something on her phone, she glanced at me and smiled and said

"I understand your feelings and it is acknowledged. You can now go. Kindly close the door for me because I'm so tired from the unending events in Indo. Thank you Charlotte. Rak na ka~~"

What? That was weird. But for now, amma let these butterflies go....I felt a's an emotional sting... I better take some runs.

~~But now I know a perfect way to let you go// Give my last hello, hope it's worth it

Here's your perfect~~


After we ate dinner the girls decided to go out and go to the bar. For me to strain myself from glancing at my phone from time to time. As expected you're with your new squad and tired from the unending events, and socializing with the girls and-what more could you do...I kept on drinking. Till Nudee contacted Mae using my phone to take me back at the hotel because I have work later in the morning...

Me: Hey, Do I love her?

Mae: Don't ask me girl, you know the answer...

1:30AM: I came back to the hotel and my make-up artist kept on bugging me to visit his room which he left for a day since he took his boyfriend out on date. I was sobered up and yet I can still feel the kick of the wine we drank with the gang.

As I opened the door, The lights were on so I just shouted 

"Hey, I guessed you arrived already I don't have to check the room." 

As I'm about to close the door. Someone covered my mouth and pulled me inside and locked the door, I almost screamed and all the wine in me was now gone. It was you.

P'fa: Uhm, Hi... c-can we t-talk?

Author's note: Anyone's down for P'fa's POV? :")

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