cranky granny

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There was silence. I stared at her to examine her facial expression, she seems the typical worried mother. So I took a deep breath and try to take up courage to answer it well.

"I am afraid Vanessa. Of what the future might come at us and hers if we allow our hearts to be followed. I mean look what happened to her a stalker confronted her and say that we shouldn't be together. Even though she didn't say it, I know it must be too scary for her and I wasn't there to comfort her. Now, look she's thriving by making her name to rise on her own. There are people who had interests in her who showed her potential to achieve the dream that she told me every night of our talks. She deserves that spotlight in her name. You know me, I am very particular when it comes to the person I like.... I'm okay with that Vanessa. I...i am really okay"

She was just staring at me, she really knows where to observe me when I speak. She nodded in response.

"What if I told you that she liked you?" I was looking down but after she said that I immediately looked up to her...waiting for her to continue

"What if the both of you drown yourselves with fear that creates this cold wall between you as the days goes by? Wherein you wanna see each other at the end of the day to check on you but you just can't because of these unknown people who are trying to threaten you to love? Then, what are these stares? those genuine answers you shared, was it for them?"

I look away and look at her through the vanity mirror, "it was all real...maybe I just have to ask something to her personally"

There was this silence again and we heard some footsteps getting closer and a bark getting closer.

"That's my signal...Okay Fa, I guess I leave it up to you now. By the way, for you to know, we have that EL's angels group chat I have eyes on you two." As she opens the door there is Sun with Gyo. As my child was running towards me. I noticed that smiles were exchanged with P'Van and Sun.

Gosh, why didn't I see this coming.

"When are you guys been close?"

"We aren't." a simple answer from my brother. "Let's go now Daad is on her way to your condo."

10:35 pm

I woke up again and I saw Daad, my older sister with Sun having snacks as I scanned the kitchen for food. I saw packed soup and rice. It's still warm.

"Hi younger sister, mom told me to visit you and check on you so there's your dinner." Since the incident happened, Papa made it possible for one of my siblings or family to be near me to check on me from time to time. I also decided to keep my circle small. I am so blessed to still have my childhood best friend...Kate and these nosy two wherein Sun became our family from another mother. I am so blessed with these people who stayed and supported me since I took this journey. There as I was engrossed watching the two having their banters and hitting on each other I received a call from Kate ...

"Hey, I bumped into Nudee and Chompu. They've been asking me when are you coming? I have a date so I can't join you guys if ever."

"I- don't. I'm tired." Then she ended the call. Then a ring from Daad's phone was heard. She answered she just went out and me and Sun were looking at each other as if he wanted to hit me so hard in the head. By being defensive in nature. I immediately raised my hands.

"I don't wanna go, you know how drained I am for today. I can't afford to have another breakdown."

Sun just rolled his eyes to his frustration because he knows I am not that easily convinced and dragged when I say I'm tired.

"You are such a granny. You know that right?"

I stood up and got some chocolates to eat inside my room as I watched cartoons. My therapist advised me to eat some whenever I feel low and watch things that make me happy. I didn't fully close the door to let them know they can come inside if they want to talk.

As I watched some credits in the cartoon movie I watched, I am still not pacified...I am still uneasy.. I heard a bang from my bedroom door. It's my sister pushing Sun. I looked at them as if they're planning something. And pushing each other to enter my room first. With all force from Sun, Daad went in first and for a comeback she slapped Sun with my pillow.

Ya!! That's my pillow. You guys can talk, you know?

"Granny!" Sun as he pulls a strand of Daad's hair and before they'll make another chaos. I went out and decided to scroll on my phone and there I saw one live on tiktok that they did as they are having a workshop for our upcoming series. There's this one clip I saw in our tags that you were just so straight forward that made me think that I overthink stop.

"No matter how you guys try to push me away from her, I am not leaving. I will stay and here I will never go away. " Reading some of the comments you said that because there were still some trolls trying to get your attention, you chose to play with them.

"Y'all say things about me and try to push me away. Newsflash, I won't leave!!!"

Maybe you're just really waiting for me to comeback...

Then, I wanted to see you... I just created my clouded conclusion to myself that made me decide to steer clear away from you.

It's been since we didn't formally talk. I checked the time it's about late. I looked at Sun and My sister pretending to be busy with their phones.

Then I stared at Sun.

"Do you have a contact number for Charlotte's makeup artist?

author's note:  next update 9pm. See you.

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