yEarning hEart

483 24 9

Author's Note: Sorry for the delay...


"Do you have a contact number for Charlotte's makeup artist?

Sun connections were tested and it was proven we got his number from Line app and decided to call him.


"Hello, Folke. Right? It's me Engfa...Engfa Waraha. Sorry to bother you at this hour but If you're wondering why I called you late hour. I might need your help. You have a condo near Charlotte's right? I might need your help."

So thankfully he left his extra key in the information of the building and he also made an excuse for Charlotte to come and check his unit. This may be crazy but I think I prefer to do it this way to see if this kind of meeting will work. It's like in the movies I've watched but it's worth trying. It is also important that the people around you like you too. 

Before we ended the call he just said...

"Give her time, she'll come around. Good Night Engfa!"

I was just looking at the window from his living room. I was also told to turn on the lights and the aircon so that she'll come inside and turn it off. This is crazy but I just want to see her and hug her, hear her voice. It's been a while since that unforgettable night for me that wasn't just kind of night hard to let go. All of the moments we have shared. But I feel nervous at the same time. What if she hates me for not talking to her? Maybe also I'm searching for answers that she's the only one to respond to..

I now heard her mumbling sound from her. It seems like she's sulking at Folk.

I heard another familiar voice, It's Mae with her...

Mae: girl, my date is calling me I got to go. I suggest you stay first at Folke's room since it's vacant. I really need to go now. 

"He-went with his boyfriend but he's so excited to the point that I'll be the one to turn everything off?hmfffffffffffff.Here I am waiting for someone to come but-aishsdsss. I feel kinda dizzy now."

She entered the passcode and checked the lights. I hid at the door because I didn't know what to say to her...

"Hey, I guess you're here now. You just killed my chance to see Engfa pshshh..."

She didn't hear any response so she was looking for the remote also of the aircon and she saw it in the bar counter and left the door open, her scent makes me want to hug her.

Okay, E. It's now or never. As she tried to close the door I held it back and only the light from the lobby was there she's about to scream but I turned on the light switch and pulled her inside as I covered my hand in her mouth. Her eyes opened wide and saw me frantically closing the door so that she wouldn't cause disturbance in the hall..

As I closed the door I took a deep breath and still my other arm was at the back as a sign that she's safe. First it was my breathing was heard now, the two of us catching our breaths and I took a deep breath and said...

"Hi..c-can w-we t-talk?"

Third Person's POV:

It seems like Charlotte was washed with cold water and froze for a moment. She tried to poke the cheeks of the woman in front of her. Pinched her nose and as she was about to come close to her face and snuggled the woman she longed to see for how many weeks now.

"I really wished that it is you that I'm hugging. I am drunk. You're tired, you must be at homeThe scent is really you.." With her tipsy eyes as she squeezed the other woman's cheeks...It seemed the pain now hit her. She held the tipsy woman's wrists to stop squeezing her cheeks.

Engfa's POV

"Girl, It's me." I stared at her eyes. Ghad I could stare at these gorgeous hazel brown eyes of hers. Seemed like she's confirming that it's me by meeting my gaze with my stern face look.

"I-it's really you. P'Fa...." She is just as strong as she is. I lost my grip and she entangled me with her arms, I can really feel now the hug that I longed for. All my loud questions were running in my mind but it's just that her hug had that energy to erase it all away. She tightens the hug around my neck as I wrap my arms on her back.

I never longed for a hug aside from my family. 

She's really my confidante.

There's so many words that mix and match in my mind but all I just said is that.

"I'm here" Then she just buried her forehead on my shoulders and felt tears falling from her face."I'm sorry." I tried to remove her hands to take a look at her face but She just tightened the hug again and was still crying, I've been working in this industry for so long my experience was not easy the hardships that I went in made me this firm now...I don't want her to experience how hard I went through ... this is really the last thing to see her crying and hurt.

"S-stay with me as I sleep?" I looked at her puffy eyes and cheeks from crying, I just wiped her tears and smiled and nod. I just lead her to the bed and opened the glass window wherein we saw again the moonlit beams into the bed as the stars surround them too.

I sat on the bed as she lay her head on my lap, just like the old times. I slowly comb her hair just like how she likes it as she looks up to the skies.

"The sky seems to be happy and calm. What a beautiful sight to see"

"It's beautiful." Looking at her admiring the skies as I look into her eyes. Call it weird but my heart thumps louder now.

"Good night." She says.

"Sleep now, I won't go till you're deep asleep."


There's an early call time for me to work.

Waking up with someone in my arms, admiring her facial features when she sleeps. I could live like this forever but in this world we live in we still have dreams to achieve, I poke your nose to check if you're awake but you just smiled and went back to sleep again. I slowly went up the bed without disturbing you and washed my face. As I checked my phone kept buzzing at the bar counter. It was a missed calls from Sun, I have to go...

The fact that I want to be the first one she looks at as soon as she wakes up, but sometimes reality will wake you up. Not all things we want we can get that easily. If this will be always the risk, I have nothing to do,

  I have fallen.

Looking at my roommate. For the first time, I woke up first. I just came closer to her again to look at her face for the last time.

"Allow me to stare at you for a while. This may be the image that will keep me going and this night like this could keep me going forever. But for now, we just have to work on our dreams together or not, I just want us to succeed first of all and whatever makes you happy even if it means you don't have to be with me. I respect it, admiring you from afar would also give me a chance to love you more quietly and look over you from a distance. After these MGI projects, workshops and our series...I'll have more time with you guys...been missing you so bad.. Hope you wait for me..."

My heart yearns for you will always be.

Author's Note:  want to have more updates? hoho hi!!!

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