Chapter 20 - Missing posters

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The week went by without incidents. Liam had kept his word and followed Narcia wherever he could. It was now the end of Friday. She turned towards him with a warm smile and thanked him for bringing her all the way to her dorm. It was nice to see so much progress between them in such a short time, even if she didn't deserve it.

"I'll see you Monday?" She asked as she opened the door, looking back at him.

"6 am sharp, yeah. I will be there." Liam said with a calm expression before he walked away towards his own dorm for the weekend.

Narcia sighed and closed the door behind herself, making her way to her room. She needed to speak about the missing wolf from her ex's pack. It couldn't bode well.

Narcia: Matt, Tammy, get yourself ready. We are going home for the weekend.

Matt: Hell yeah! I miss Luna's cooking.

Tam: Now is not the time, Matheo. I assume this is regarding the missing posters?

Narcia: Yes, Tammy. We need to make sure of what cause this disappearance is from. But matheo, you aren't coming. I need you to keep an eye on Liam. We don't know what could be lurking.

Matt: Aww, man! Alright, alpha. I'll keep an eye out for him.

Narcia closed the mental link and sighed. She didn't really want to investigate this, but she had no other choice. If the cannibal was at it again, her mate could be in danger. She didn't know why the creature had taken a liking to him. He was harmless to such a creature, a weak human.

"You seem in a hurry to leave, little wolf." Giuliana said as she bit into her sandwich, legs crossed with an attitude that screamed power.

"This doesn't involve you, witch."

"Oh, but it sure does. I have noticed a little pup went missing. Such a tragedy." She said with no emotion in her tone. Narcia growled and glared to the heartless woman.

"You already assume he is dead. You're disgusting."

"And you don't? He's been missing for a whole week now. People don't disappear for over a week and turn up alive." Giuliana said with a serious expression. Narcia wanted to yell at her, to tell her she was wrong, but she knew all too well that she was most likely correct. People were usually found dead after a week of disappearance.

"You know... If I remember correctly, Adrian was a human too, wasn't he? His wolf was stolen by a witch years ago when he was just a child." Giuliana said before Narcia twisted around with anger.

"How in gods name do you know that?"

"Oh sweetheart, you think I wouldn't know of my coven's past doings? Please." She said with a roll of her eyes as she munched on her sandwich.

"What the hell are you telling me this for? If I am right, your entire coven was wiped out almost 11 years ago for it. You're but a weak remain of that poweful coven." Narcia said before her throat suddenly felt grabbed, Giuliana having her free hand up and glowing. Narcia tried to gasp as she was slowly being strangled.

"Watch your mouth, little wolf. I am still powerful enough to seriously damage you if not kill you." Giuliana said before letting her go, standing up to walk out of the dorm. Narcia smirked while gasping for air as the door shut. This definitely was a victory against the witch. Narcia quickly made her way inside her dorm, closing the door behind herself.

"Took you long enough. Is everything alright?" Tammy said as she threw a bag at Narcia. Narcia caught it and smiled at her friend before turning on her heels.

"Thanks, Tam. I am alright. We don't have much time, so let's get going. My parents will be going for the monthly patrol of our forests soon. We won't see them for a long time if we don't catch them before they leave." Narcia said, receiving a nod from her fellow wolf before they ran out of the building. They quickly turned into their wolves once they arrived in the forest.

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