Chapter 44 - In need of a solution

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The sound of a water droplet hitting the ground echoed once, twice. It's noise constantly ticking into the mind of the young boy who lay there, no longer understanding its surroundings.

His body no longer was cracking, the chains no longer lacerated his wrists, the only chain still attached to the boy was the one around his neck, it was tight and cold, stretched out by his new form.

His blue fur had now been tainted with red, red from the corpse that lay but a few meters from him, its stench already starting to reach the wolf's nose, it reaked of death.

Night had not arrived just yet, but he could tell by the lack of light in the room that it was near, the small barred window being the only light he had, and now... it was starting to grow much colder in the room.

Not that it mattered much, Matheo had his fur coat now, his strong legs and his fierce claws, no one could dare hurt him again, his wolf Murcus would not allow it, he would fight to the death.

A heavy sigh escaped the boy as he slowly shifted to a more comfortable position, licking the wounds on his paws, he could tell that they were not in good shape at all.

His claws gripped into the cemented floor, muscles contracting as his paws pushed his body to stand, exhausted huffs leaving his muzzle as he balanced himself, his body sore from the position he had been held for two days and a half now.

Matheo started to lean forward, his claws pointing upwards as he stretched his strong furry legs, his back cracking from the waist up to his shoulders, he quickly redressed himself before shaking his body, blood that had stuck to his fur splashing around the area.

A shiver ran through him, his ears perked up as he heard the sound of footsteps down the hall, he did not care for who it was, he did not need more torture, his mind could not bare it.

He turned his body to face the opponent, his fur puffing up to enlarge himself while his muscles tensed to the upcoming threat.

The door made its iconic cluck as the lock was removed, white canines bared ready to tear whoever came in, he was not enduring this any longer, he would fight Barton to the death.

"As I thought, you shifted." Barton said as he slowly closed the door behind himself, head tilting to the side with a snap of his bone.

"Do you realize just how incredible that is, little wolf?" The man said as Matheo growled ferociously, snarls of pure agression vibrating in his throat, Barton paid it no attention.

"Not many manage to fully shift when in that position, it must've been so painful." He said as he sat in front of Matheo, his crooked smile giving shivers down his spine, how much more torture did this guy have in mind.

It made sense now, why Devan was so afraid of his father, this man was cruel, pitiless, he had no regards for people and it scared Matheo to his core, he hoped Devan never had to suffer any of this.

What had he come here for now?


Liam blinked rapidly, trying to understand the words that had left the witch's mouth, if she was telling the truth, then Devan would be able to return to normal, he could mate the person and live hapily.

"Who is it... Who is his mate?" Liam asked as she cackled, shaking her head in denial, her hand signalling her refusal to divulge who the mate was.

"If I told you, that would be too easy. Plus... I think you already know who it is." She teased before Liam stood up, his patience already running low, he had no time for this play, no time to waste, he needed a distraction from his current situation and helping his friend was all he could do for now.

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