Chapter One: Prophecy

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   I never understood people my age. From the ripe age of fourteen, I have constantly been told how amazing sex was. Even when I lost my virginity to my neighbour four months ago on my eighteenth birthday just because it was convenient- I still didn't understand why people were so obsessed with sex. That's why sitting at this party, watching the college guy and obvious jailbait made me even more confused. She was grinding against him and he was letting her. It was seventy degrees out and although the bonfire in front of us could keep them warm, it surely wasn't warm enough to do all of that. The forest surrounding us didn't blow it's branches in the wind and the animals surely watching us didn't make a peep. Perhaps all the Mexican rap music was scaring them away.

    "You wanna head out Oma?" I looked up and there was my neighbour, Dylan. He was one of those guys that every girl would lust after but I just saw him as a walking nuisance. I knew it was wrong of me to take advantage of a guy who clearly finds me attractive but it almost felt like a proper trade off. I could seem like somewhat of a normal person and he could have bragging rights that he was fucking the girl his father (the priest) banished from the church for having a birthmark claiming her to Satan.

    I nodded my head yes with a faint smile. I knew what 'head out' meant. He wanted me to give him head as payment for driving me home and then he would stop at a gas station for a soda as if it was some kind of reward. After that, depending on how tired he was, he would want me to fuck him in between our houses so if his father walked out, he would see that the rumours were true. Still, I stood up and wiped whatever dirt may have been on my ass from sitting on a log. We walked maybe twenty feet away from the party before reaching his shitty silver Honda that made him feel like he was in a race car movie.

    "Oma, wait." Dylan spoke before spinning me around and pushing my body onto the car and grabbing my ass. He towered over me and smirked before crashing his chapped lips onto mine. All I could think about while kissing him was how much I fucking hated the nickname this damn city had coined me. Oma... as if Neoma was really hard to pronounce. I never had the courage to correct anyone but was it so difficult to pronounce it? It wasn't like an obnoxious name like Aleigha or Emmalee. He pulled away but his eyes still shined with lust and the smirk moved into a full smile. "Let's get outta here."

    Dylan ran to the other side of the car and let me finally hop into the passenger seat. The uncomfortable, torn up passenger seat as if that was a Honda trademark. Just as I predicted, about ten minutes after leaving Dylan had moved my hand over his jeans to show just how hard one kiss made him. He began begging like a little kid, complaining how tight his jeans feel and how it was clearly my fault since I was just 'so beautiful'. It was moments like these I would just do as he asked just to get him to shut up. He unzipped his pants and let it spring up after finally agreeing to it.

    Red light                                                              

    I grabbed it and began sucking on it. I could hear with every movement of my tongue, a moan would quietly escape his throat. It was like he was my prey and I could attack with ease.

    Green light

    I didn't stop as he continued to drive. Using only one hand to drive in the streets of Flagstaff, Arizona, he used the other to grip the black curls on my head and force me down further. I pretended to gag- I know he likes it. I could feel him starting to throb as if his dick itself was begging for more.

    "You suck it so good Oma." Dylan encouraged. I wonder if it was only college guys that acted like this. This continued on until ultimately, he would blast in my mouth before the next red light. I sat up, not daring to look at myself in the side mirror, and wiped whatever spilled over on my lips. I could feel his eyes looking at me but my eyes didn't return glances. I just wanted to go home already. Anytime I did stuff like this with him, I just felt gross. Like I hadn't brushed my teeth in days and or showered in weeks.

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