Chapter Sixteen- The Rainstorms

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The sun was barely peeking up into the sky by the time Zeus was dragging me out of the castle. He could be too goofy and wild sometimes for his own good. One thing I could say about Greece though is that it always seemed to smell fresh no matter what time in the day it was.

We hiked through a random forest that laid behind the castle. Whatever lived near us must have been important enough to Zeus to want to show off. His dirty blonde hair was up in a messy bun, allowing a few strands loose. The man thought this was the perfect time to be shirtless, flashing his chiseled abs without a single drop of sweat breaking.

"How much longer is this adventure?" I groaned as if we had walked for hours even though it was at max thirty minutes.

"If you're going to complain, you're going to get punished." He teased, winking at me.

"Punished? I'm wearing Converse dude! These are not meant for hiking and-" I started but Zeus clasped his hand over my mouth, pushing me into a bush.

I wanted to yell and kick but I saw in his eyes he had done this on purpose. Slowly removing his hand, he used it to point at whatever was in the distance. Following his finger, I saw before me something I never would have expected to exist. A real-life satyre.

The half-goat/half-man looked elderly with a bald head and long, brown horns sticking out of his head. The top half of his body was covered in layered wrinkles and the palest skin I had ever seen in my life covered in dark mole spots. His bottom half was the goat with both white and brown fur mixing together but overly shaggy. The poor man was so old, even the fur in his long pointed ears was white.

"They scare easily." Zeus explained in a whisper, smiling goofy.

"I always thought they were the most unrealistic thing about Greek Mythology yet here one is... right in front of me." I whispered back, unable to remove my eyes from him.

"Your kind believes in demigods but not satyres? You really are a dumb lot." I turned to Zeus, glaring my eyes before rolling them.

"Is this what you had wanted to show me?"

"No; we're going on a much longer adventure. This was just a welcoming surprise. Want to see what happens when you scare one?"

Before I could warn Zeus or even try to stop him, he rose from the bush and let out a deep roar. The satyre looked in our direction, clearly scared before running off on his two hooves. Clomps were so hard, they made a sound every time the hooves dug themselves into the soft dirt. By the time I shot myself up from the bush, Zeus was letting out a hard laugh that could make anyone smile.

"Zeus! There was no point in scaring it!" I scolded, trying my best not to laugh along.

"Sure there was. It was funny and that's the only point to do anything. Now come on!"

It seemed like Zeus couldn't grasp how inactive the average American truly was. There is a reason why America is known as one of the laziest countries in the world. After an hour of climbing up a hill, I could barely stand. Collapsing onto the soft yet prickly grass, I looked up at the now gray sky with even darker clouds.

"Are you going to make it rain again today?" I asked, even though I'm pretty sure I already knew the answer.

"Well considering you're in a white t-shirt, I might put in a word or two." Zeus teased, laying down on the grass beside me. "Why are you so weak? We've barely walked."

"Barely? In America, we don't walk anywhere unless we absolutely have to. You see, we have these things called cars and-"

"Okay okay! I get it."

Just as he said that, rain started to trickle down on us. I let out a soft sigh and just shut my eyes, letting the drops of water land upon my face. I know Zeus didn't cause this- at least not on purpose. I opened my eyes to look upon him. The water droplets dropped from the sky and down his perfectly chiseled body.

"Let's head back to the castle." I suggested.

"It's too late. I know a cave about nine meters that way. We'll wait out the storm." Zeus demanded.

"You lead the way."

I didn't want to hide in some cave that I couldn't even tell how close or far it was. There was no point in arguing with him though. What I have learned since living here was that the gods did as they chose. Even when you pointed out how stupid something was- they would just simply ignore you.

As the rain came down harder, I followed Zeus across down the grass hill and back into the forest. No more satyrs came out into the clearing but a deer had passed calmly before noticing Zeus and I. We continued walking until a small cave appeared before us. By this point, the rain was tiny bullets against our skin. We entered but kept close to the edge, sitting upon the stone flooring while watching the rain pour even harder.

"Zeus, can I ask you a difficult question?" I asked, not removing my eyes off the rain despite clearly speaking to him.

"I don't know. Can you?" I glanced at him, watching the smile slowly grow on his face before laughing excitedly. "I learned American humor so you could laugh at my jokes more. It's funny, right?"

I didn't have the heart to tell him that 'dad jokes' were often made fun of in America. Not just that but that the phrase itself was one of the worst ones. Looking at his face in pure joy and knowing he was trying to make me laugh more was the only thing that made it passable. I wasn't ready to let him in on the truth... not yet at least. Forcing out a laugh, I nodded my head and couldn't hide my grin.

"It's totally funny. I wanted to ask you something though. How... how afraid should I be that Cronus apparently wants me?"

His smile faded away into confusion then a scowl. He muttered something in Greek before turning away to watch the rain like I had before. I hated to bring it up but I needed to know just how much of a threat this man- no, god is. Demeter was terrified at the mere mention of his name.

"Extremely but you'll never have to understand that fear. It's being taken care of right now."

What could that mean? I didn't want to question it or speak of the god any longer. Turning to Zeus, the memory of when we officially met entered my mind again. The way his fingers went up my leg and how he always looked at me with lustful, hungry eyes. How deep he could go inside of me.

I straddled him, running my fingers along his shoulder blades. It didn't take very long for him to grow hard beneath me but he wasn't trying to hide it. In fact, a cocky smirk was on his face and his tongue pressed against his cheek.

"What do you think you're doing Neoma?"

"I've never had sex in the rain. I want to try it." I teased, getting off and running only a few feet away. The rain came down against my skin, immediately making me more soaked than I already was.

Although Zeus was probably the most horny person I had ever met, he didn't move from where he sat. He just continued to smile at me and laugh as if I was doing something terribly hilarious. How could he not even want me when I'm being so generous? Here I was, standing in his natural environment with soaked clothes and he wasn't even flinching.

"What are you doing?! Get over here!" I demanded, the clear confusion blending in with the demand.

He did as I requested, standing up and walking toward me. His blonde hair was going into the natural wave form it took. For once though, his eyes didn't have the look of lust in them. It was a look I had never witnessed before; a look I couldn't even recognize. Once he was close to me, he pulled me into a tight embrace. The musky, earthy smell of the rain was flooding into my nose. We stood in silence with only the drops of water and distant roars of thunder interrupting it.

"From this moment on, I want you to remember this feeling when it rains. Not the confusion or even the lust bred from boredom. Remember that you are always cared for. That I will always be only a few feet away. I will always be there to protect you Neoma Knight." Zeus promised before placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Thank you Zeus."

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