Chapter Ten: Babysitting Gods

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Once I actually stopped trying to run away and escape from the castle, I realised it wasn't as bad as I thought it was. There were plenty of room covered in cobwebs and dust ranging from a music room with beautiful golden instruments to what I could assume was a training room. I had spent the entire day wandering around to look at every room when I had ran into a library overlooking the ocean.

Bookshelves made of a white wood reached up to the ceiling with thousands of books. Ladders of the same wood were connected to the bookshelves that let you slide along. The furniture itself was dark wooden tables and leather chairs. No room for paintings as the only wall that wasn't covered by a bookshelf was one giant window, allowing the sun to bring glorious light into the room. From the point of where I stood, I could watch Poseidon hopping back onto the wooden boat port with water dripping down every crevice of his body. He only wore boxers and even from up high, I could see the large bulge.

"Wow... I haven't been in here in years. I remember when Hera and Athena would argue over various books." I turned and leaning against the double doorway was Zeus shirtless. I began blushing and looking away immediately even though there was nothing to be embarrassed of. "Do you read?"

"Not really. I've just been exploring." I answered, pushing my hair behind my ear and fixing my clothes.

"So you're not trying to run anymore huh? Can I claim the reasoning for it was my amazing sex skills and not because of Hades?"

I laughed at Zeus' joke but I just can't catch a break here. Even the gods themselves couldn't control their horniness. Zeus took a few steps close to me before pulling me in close, forcing the palms of my hands to rest on his chest and me to look up at his golden eyes. Maybe it wasn't a joke and he was being quite serious. What were these men doing to me? Before I had met them, I had despised the idea of being touched and now all I want is to be touched. My eyes moved down to his lips as plump as my own but wrapped around by a beard. Thoughts of us having sex sprung back into mind and how great it had felt when we did it. How powerful it felt.

It was like he had the same thoughts as me running through his mind. Zeus licked his lips and light placed his hand under my jaw to look him directly in the eyes. He placed his other hand on my lower back to pull me in for a deeper kiss. His lips, just like him, were rough but begging for pleasure. I knew where this was going to lead if we didn't stop but I didn't want it to. I almost wanted him to rip my clothes off of me like he had done with the dress.

"You two are like lions, are you aware of that?" We turned and Hestia was standing there smoking a cigarette. I'd take her smoking instead of obnoxiously sipping coffee any day of the week. I quickly took a few steps away from Zeus and began fixing myself and looking away from any eyes which was hilarious to Hestia. "Hades needs you Zeus."

"Very well. Goodbye for now darling." Zeus said his farewell with a smile and wink before exiting the library and Hestia following after. I was left alone again but craving more than before. Curiosity was killing me as to what exactly they needed to speak of. What if it was about me and my blood?

As quietly as I could, I snuck behind them both and wandered down marble steps until they stopped in what I've identified as the entrance hall into the castle. It was large and spacious with columns as thick as the ones that held temples here in Greece. The sun gave it beautiful light and a crystal-like design on the floor from reflecting off of the chandelier. Various potted plants as green as if it was spring were decorated around. In the centre of it stood all five gods and none of them seemed to know I was there.

"I'm afraid I have some unfortunate news... One of the guards keeping watch of Tartarus informed me that he overheard the Aloadae and Cronus talking about Neoma. Said they could smell her when we walked above them."

"How could that be? Tartarus is a good eighty thousand feet below the Underworld. No one's blood has been that strong." Poseidon asked Hades while using a towel to dry off his hair.

"I don't know. Perhaps I acted too rash in dismissing the hags' warnings."

"Well? Should we bring her back to America? Perhaps they will believe it's a fluke or-"

"Demeter, you know Cronus. He's smarter than that. This is why I told you it was a dumb choice to let the girl meet Agape Hades! Now we're going to have to block off your room's access AGAIN!" Hestia lectured like a mother.

Hades had mentioned the Aloadae while we were in the Underworld. They were the brothers that killed Agape and the reason the gods knew about our blood. Cronus was a new name I was hearing though. It did sound familiar but I couldn't detect why. I didn't move from my spot, only put more pressure on the column as if that would help me hear better.

"I say we keep watch of her like we were before when she was trying to run. If she asks why, we tell her we still don't fully trust her from escaping. We take turns, switching through the nights." Zeus suggested but petty laughter sounded from Hestia, bouncing off each of the walls.

"Zeus if you just want an excuse to be near her and fuck her, you're going to have to come up with better ideas than that! I mean, you two didn't notice me for a good five minutes before I announced myself. If you just want to be a wh-"

"Hestia that's enough! Zeus I think it's a great idea. We should have Poseidon watch tonight though." Demeter suggested. "He's the one that caught her last time she tried to run. If she tries again or is somehow lured by sirens, Poseidon can stop her."

A babysitter? How the hell was that fair? I don't cooperate and I get locked up but I do and eyes are still going to be locked on me. I didn't care now whether they knew or didn't that I had listened to the entire conversation. I was not a child and definitely didn't need them to 'protect' me. I stormed out of the room and although I could hear people calling my name, I didn't stop. I just continued walking up to my tower.

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