Chapter Three: Our Property

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I couldn't believe what I had seen in there. She really was the prettiest that's come so far. Even her cunt looked tiny and cute- barely used. That's how I loved it. Why did Hades get to be the one who saw her dress anyway? He never takes advantage of the deal. He usually treats the girls like a nuisance. Not even bothering to know them. Yet here they both were coming down to the stairs while she looked around in awe over everything. The castle seems to always have that affect on them.

Poseidon had ran off with Demeter down to the garden and I honestly wasn't sure where Hestia was. I pulled my hair up in a man bun and waited for them to make their way to the large wooden dining table with wooden chairs. Gold trimmings lined every chair and had cushioned seats that were red. The plain white porcelain plate was already filled with small, thick, oval shaped tiganites and raw honey next to it. She looked beautiful in the milkmaid dress we had given her. Her slightly pale shoulders were covered by the puff sleeves on the dress and her plump breasts peeked over. Every step she took towards me, the leg would peek from the cut of the skirt.

All I could imagine doing was plopping her up on the table and fucking her here and now. Making her scream my name. Even just the thought of it was already making me hard. As subtle as one could be in tight jeans, I repositioned myself but Hades knew. He always knows that the lightning makes me this way.

"Where's Poseidon?" Hades asked like an irritated father. I just shrugged and chose to ignore him. She was all I had my sights on. Her bright ice blue eyes shined as the light from the sun hit it just right. Her black curls went down to her mid back and thin- ready for me to pull out of her head.

"Come eat. Do you want some juice? Demeter squeezed the juice out of the oranges herself." I offered, pointing at the chair at the end of the table next to me. She nodded and smiled, sitting down in the seat. I reached for the glass pitcher and poured her a cup but still couldn't take my eyes off of her. She picked up one of the Greek pancakes and shoved it in her mouth. Her eyes went wide as she finished chewing her food.

"Holy shit... I don't know what this is but it's incredible." She exclaimed, pointing at the bitten tiganite. A smile crept up on my face as I reached over, using a honey stick to drizzle some of it on her food. She took another bite and this time, closed her eyes and moaned into into it. She was savouring every chew of the bite.

"Alright so we need you to tell us what the graeae said to you." Hades stated, taking the seat across from me but still next to her. Confusion was clear in her eyes as she held her hand over her mouth and furrowed her eyebrows, squinting slightly. She didn't know who the blind hags were.

"The old ladies who were in the cave. What did they tell you? Did they mention us at all?" I asked in a softer tone. This was usually Poseidon's department so why was I the one doing it? He was the nice guy. Hades was the dick. And I... well I didn't even know what my position was.

She nodded her head yes and forced herself to swallow the last bit of food in her mouth. A little bit of honey stayed on her plump lips. She used her tongue to lick it up, only making me harder than I already was. Surely she knew what she was doing.

"They told me to run away from you and that I was the one you wanted. The one you truly wanted." She explained, emphasizing on the world truly. Something in her changed in that moment, as if just remembering where she was and who were around her. Kidnappers. I exchanged looks with Hades as if he noticed it too. "So if I remember high school history correctly, you two are brothers but you look nothing alike. Even Poseidon doesn't look like you guys. Why is that?"

"Ancient Greek is often times mistranslated. Our position is equal but we are not related. Hestia and Demeter are often times stated as our sisters but we don't look like them either. Can you tell us your name?" I asked her.

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