Chapter Fifteen- Past Thunderstorms

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The castle was unusually silent when Poseidon and I entered. Even though there were only five (now six including Neoma) people living in the giant castle, you could always hear some kind of sound. It was as if the emptiness only added volume. That's why when Poseidon and I entered the place to only be welcomed to silence, our inner alarms went off.

I glanced at Poseidon, giving him a simple nod to be ready for whatever was ahead of us. I could feel both of our heartbeats quicken with each step we took. Slow steps that barely made sound against the porcelain flooring. The doors opened wide and when we expected danger was Demeter appearing with the look of worry on her face. Poseidon and I huffed, relaxing our posture despite her clear facial expressions.

"You two better come quick. A new war might break out between Hestia and Hades." Demeter announced.

Just as I was about to ask what she meant, I could hear Hestia's scolding shouts from the kitchen. For someone who was usually represented as kind and shy, she was anything but. A typical older sister who thinks she is our mother. Poseidon and I followed Demeter into the kitchen, witnessing both Hades and Hestia on either sides of the island yelling.

"You need to send your little pet away Hades! You claim it's safe yet I had to place nectar on her hand just mere hours ago. What happens when she manages to wiggle the knobs enough to open huh? Everything we have built to protect will fall so quickly!" Hestia shouted loud enough to wake all of Greece.

"We cannot send her away! I will not send her away... I'd rather brick up the entrance one million times than send her away." Hades admitted, letting his softness escape the rocky exterior for only a moment before returning to his annoyed glances.

Hestia and Demeter would never understand what Hades is experiencing and neither does Poseidon. Maybe I don't truly know it either but I am definitely the closest. The guilty feeling of finally moving on from someone you loved lifetimes ago.

"Hades is right. It's out of the question. That's a last resort move." I agreed, finally letting my presence known in the conversation.

"You didn't see her burn Zeus. It was bad... she even admitted to Hestia she wasn't sure why she did it." Demeter informed quietly, going close to Hestia.

"Let me go talk to her and see where she stands. If I think she's a threat, I'll even escort her to the new location myself." I stated, looking directly at Hestia.

Her and I had an understanding no one else would get. She may have been the oldest but even back then when I was whoring around Greece, I had the utmost respect from anyone near me. Even the men that didn't suspect their wives and I being in affairs. Hestia huffed and rolled her eyes but waved her hand, giving me the signal it was okay to do.

"Where is Neoma anyway?" Poseidon finally spoke, making his presence known as well.

"Should be in her room. If not there, who knows. Hades and I have been fighting pretty much since she went up." Hestia responded.

Fear spiked in me all over again to the point where it would send me into overdrive. A girl who has shown history of trying to run away was left alone for who knows how long. No matter how much I wanted to trust the idea of her willingly staying here now, I knew it was a lie. At the end of the day, Neoma Knight was still our prisoner.

I sped past the group and out of the kitchen. My heart pumped harder than every landing step I took up the stairs that would lead to her tower. Lighting and rain crashed against the bricks that formed the walls, making the inside of the castle sound like someone was banging against them to be let in. By the time I reached the tower door, I didn't bother to knock but instead push it open to reveal one human beauty laying on her bed with the blanket pulled up to her chest, watching the rain drops hit the window. She turned to me, confused why I was breathing heavily.

"Zeus? Are you alright?"

"Yes, I am fine. I hear you got a pretty nasty burn though." I responded, trying to keep my cool as I closed the door behind me.

Neoma flashed her hand, showing a thick line going across her palm from the door handle to the Underworld but still had the energy to flash a small smile across her face. It was like she was shrugging off the pain or just the fact she did it at all. I locked the door, walking over to her bed and just pressed her head against my shoulder. For a moment in silence, we watched as the rain drops pinged against the window.

"You can't be going off doing dangerous shit Neoma. I... I mean, none of us don't want to lose you." I admitted, running my fingers up and down her arm.

"I don't understand why you all seem to care so much about me. Part of me just wishes I could go back home and pretend none of this happened. That the stories of you all just stayed in the books." She confessed quietly, pressing her head harder against my shoulder.

"I cannot speak for anyone else here but for me... let's just say I've always preferred the company of human women compared to the magical ones."

Neoma glanced up, squinting as if to study me. Trying to figure out whether I was lying or speaking truth to her. A single, hard laugh escaped my mouth. I thought all humans knew of my tales but I suppose not.

"I had a wife long ago named Hera but... but I was not exactly the most faithful of men. I married her because a king needs his queen. She liked the title that now carried weight with her name and I liked the amount of women that loved trying to 'steal' married men. If I knew back then Hera would die... I don't think I would have made the same choices I did." I admitted, ready to feel her judgment but was surprised to find her softly kissing my cheek.

"I'm sure she would have loved to hear that herself Zeus and I'm terribly sorry for what happened. Do you still act on those habits?" It was like Neoma was afraid to hear that answer. I was more afraid to be honest with her.

"Not since you arrived." I spoke truthfully. A glimmer of happiness spread through her eyes, as if hearing me being faithful to her and only her was the best thing she could have heard. "Go to bed though. You and I have adventures to go on tomorrow."

"We do? What are we doing?!"

"Shhhhh now. Just rest your eyes. I'll stay with you."

I embraced her even more, holding her close to my body with her head resting under my chin. Even from where I was, I could smell her body wash lifting into my nostrils. A heavily scent fit for the perfect princess.

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