Chapter Two: The Three Kings

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When my eyes had opened, a beeping from a heart monitor was all that was ringing in my head. The room smelled like rubbing alcohol and the snore of my father sleeping in the chair next to the bed I was in proved I was in a hospital. One could presume Dylan's father knew about us now and was giving him the attention Dylan so craved. The dream played like a song on repeat. Who were those three old women? Their warning to run seemed so real. The Three Kings... why did that phrase sound familiar to me somehow? As best as I could, I tried to get out of bed so I could wander around my room. A tray sat next to my father on a cart full of syringes no doubt so nurses could draw blood.

Before I could push the curtain so I could leave, three male voices were muffled outside of my hospital door. I could hear them arguing about something but I wasn't sure of what. Perhaps my dream was my brain trying to warn me of danger and these were, as my brain had called them, the Three Kings. As swiftly as I could be, I grabbed a syringe from the cart and got back into bed, pretending to be asleep. With my eyes squinted shut and the needle in my hand, I was prepared for whatever was to come. The hospital door slid open and only two voices could be heard.

"Did you take care of the cameras?" One of them asked, speaking deep and rich- like whiskey. His British accent was strong but still spoke as clear as water.

"Of course I did." Another with a similar accent responded quickly with a laugh. Heavy boots made contact to the hospital floor, making their way closer to me. As best as I could- I tried to relax my eyes to look as if I was actually asleep. A hand moved some of my hair behind my ear and although I couldn't see myself, I could feel whoever's hand it was wore thick silver rings. "I swear they get prettier every time."

Before the second guy could answer, I could hear my dad do his stretch groan he always does before waking up. One of the men groaned as if he already knew this was going to happen. As if he needed to prepare for it.

"Hey! What are you-" My father didn't last a chance. I could hear the one closer to me pull something sharp from his side and jam it into my father's body. Eighteen and officially an orphan. As much as I wished I could mourn for my father, I needed to survive like my mother. To think like her.

Like a spider monkey, I sprung from behind the man who clearly killed my father and jammed the syringe in his neck. I didn't bother to wait for a reaction from either of the men planning on taking me. Pushing past the curtain, I ran out of the room and down the hall. No nurse or even janitor or security guard was in sight. It was like I was all alone with the lunatics trying to take me. I needed to hide. That was my best bet to surviving this horror. I kept running until I saw the nurse station and it having cupboards.

I had never been more thankful that I was 5'2 until now. As quietly as I could, I removed all the binders and spread them across the counters and then tucked myself into the cupboard and closed it. I swear my heartbeat and breathing would lead the men straight to me. I slammed my hand over my nose and mouth as a way to muffle my breathing and slow my heartbeat down. Even with the cupboard door closed, I could hear them all speak clear as day. They were directly on the opposite side of the counter and each breathing heavy.

"Damn... this one actually has some fight in her." The one who I had shoved the syringe in spoke and laughed. This was a game to him. My life, my safety. A giant joke.

"Get your shit together Zeus! It's your fault we lost her." The other one from earlier blamed, slamming his hands on the counter top. I could feel my body shake with terror. Each and every second longer the harder my hand would tremble over my breath. "Just do your thing already."

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