Chapter 5 - Bub Bub

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"Where is he?" Sam, the manager asked.

"I don't know, I texted him the address." I shrugged.

"I'm here! Sorry I'm late there was traffic!" Niall apologised running in with a sleeping Tiara in his hands.

"Ah he's, finally we can start, now Niall have you seen the recent magazines?" Sam asked.

Niall shook his head, placing Tiara down on the seat between me and him.

Sam slapped down three magazines on the table.

"Please explain Niall."

On the covers was Niall with Tiara at a cafe, Tiara eating a brownie, then Tiara biting a bagel and giving it back to Niall who finished it. "Breakfast with a Baby!"

"Who is this baby and why is she with you?" Sam asked glaring at the sleeping baby.

"Tiara, is my daughter." Niall replied quite harshly.

"This won't do, rumours will start and we will get a bad rep.." Sam mumbled clicking his tongue.

"Well we can't pop her back in!" Niall raised his voice.

"Ah but we planned you to have a fake girlfriend!" Sam said.

"I don't want a fake girlfriend, and with Tiara more rumours will go." Niall shouted.

"Well we can put Tiara into an adoption home." Sam suggested.

"No! My niece is NOT going into adoption." Louis argued.

"Okay, Niall you have to explain who Tiara is tomorrow, you all have an interview at 10am sharp. Don't be late. You may go." Sam sternly said as we all left.

"He's mad.." Zayn started.

"Yeah, what am I doing with Tiara at the interview?"

"Leave her with the girls?" Liam asked.

"Sure," I replied with a smile.



When we got home Louis was playing with Tiara.

"Who's the best uncle?" Louis cooed.

"LOU!" Tiara squealed.

"Louis, do not corrupt my daughter!" I warned him, chuckling.

"I taught her how to call me on Tess' phone!" Louis said excitedly.

"How is it just Tess'?" I asked.

"I still have that chip in her phone, and I still check what she buys.. But anyway I permanently changed me to speed dial 3! So in emergencies Tiara can call!" Louis said happily, poking Tiara's cheek.

"Fuck hell!" Tiara babbled grabbing Brownie bear.

Harry chuckled. "She has amazing memory!" Harry laughed.

"Harry, you better teach Tiara that it is wrong!" I warned, Tessa will NOT be happy about this.

"Tiara those are naughty words!" Harry scolded.

"Tara those naughty words!" Tiara mimicked, saying her own name wrong.

"Oh my days." Harry groaned.

"My days!" Tiara squeaked, making everyone laugh.

Harry crawled over and started tickling Tiara.

"Cheeky monkey!" Harry laughed as Tiara shrieked in laughter.

"She's got your laugh mate." Zayn chuckled patting me on the back.

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