Chapter 61 - Daddy And Mummy Want To...

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The doorbell rang, causing me to become confused. I went downstairs on them things for disabled people. Did I say that the boys secretly paid for on to be installed! They're so caring but they spend way too much money! I drag my wheelchair down the stairs and wheel myself towards the door. I cannot tell you my hate for wheelchairs. I need to learn not to be so clumsy. I opened the door, not expecting who I saw.

"Maura! What are you doing here!" I ask as she leans down and kisses my cheek.

"I got a call from a very worried Niall and he made me promise I'll look after you till he comes back." She smiled.

"No, no. It's okay really." I stammer.

"He sounded really worried Tessa, I think it's best of I do." She smiled, going back out and bringing in a suitcase.

"I really just- never mind." I sigh.

"Don't you worry, now are you hungry? Have you ate?" She asked, putting her suitcase to the side.

"You don't have to cook for me, I'm fine. I'm not hungry." I smile.

"Niall has instructed me to make sure you eat, so I'll go make food." She smiled.

"I can make it!" I attempt to be more welcoming to my guest.

"Don't be silly!"

"I'm not." I giggle slightly.

"I think I should." She smiles walking to the kitchen.

And this ladies and gentlemen, is where Niall Horan gets his manners from. I follow after her, hoping she'll at least let me help.

"Do you need any help?" I ask.

"No, no, no, no. Everything is under control! You go watch TV or something, keep yourself happy." She smiles shooing me off.

"I feel rude." I pout.

"You don't be, shoo shoo!" She smiled warmly at me before continuing with whatever she was doing.

I sighed, wheeling towards the living room and sat down on the sofa, I wish I brought my phone down. I grabbed the remote, channel surfing until I found some documentary show.

"Foods ready!" Maura called.

I wheeled myself to the dining room where she was setting everything out!

"You don't have to!" I quickly say.

"I want to!" She smiles.

"Why have I been informed for you not to have a knife?" She asked.

"Well.." I trail, I was too ashamed to say anything.

"Soft subject, sorry." She apologised.

"Alliteration." I giggle.

"Well I see you're smart, Niall has told me a lot!" Maura smiled.

"Like what?" I ask in amusement, I was also glad we had skipped the conversation.

"That you're sweet, beautiful, he says a lot believe" she said, warming my heart.

I felt my cheeks tingle, probably going pink.

"I'm full. This was delicious, thank you." I smile, bringing my plate to the kitchen.

"Ah ah ah." She tuts, pushing me lightly back to my seat.

"Niall has told me to make sure you eat everything on your plate." She smiled.

"Now I know how Niall felt when I told him to remember things for Tiara!" I groan, shoving some broccoli in my mouth.

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