Chapter 28 - Roller Rink

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"Just wear something hot," Niall winks as he left me on my wardrobe, wow I've missed home.

It was October so it was quite cold. I wore black leggings and a cute dress. I wore flats as I couldn't be bothered with heels. I put my hair into a fish tail braid which Eleanor taught me and put on a coat.

"Ready," I tell Niall just as he kissed Tiara goodnight.

"Have fun! But not too much fun!" Louis smiled as we left.

"So.." I started.

"I not telling you where we're going." Niall smirked. Damn him.

I frowned as we both got into the car. Niall drove on past buildings that looked familiar but were actually not. He also passed the bowling alley, a shiver ran through my body. I hated that place so much. Niall seemed to have noticed as he rested a hand on my thigh. He drove on till we were at a place I haven't seen before. He parked the car as we both got out. He held the door open for me as we walked in. It was a roller rink.

"I rented the place out, c'mon." He said motioning me towards the shelves of roller blades.

He grabbed my size and his then led me to a bench. He wore his on quite easily as I struggled wi the straps, don't judge, I've never been here before. He helped me as he brung my to the rink, I held onto his arm tightly. Soft music was going on in the background, disco sounds and slow songs in a shuffle. I clung onto the railing tightly as I watched Niall skate around. He offered me his hand as I feebly took it. We then started roller skating around, me squealing every time I slipped even though I knew Niall was going to catch me. I soon got the hang of it as we skated around, me giggling every time I beat him in a race.

"I am so sorry about Tania," Niall apologised pecking me on the lips.

"It's not your fault, she has to be here." I reason with him.

"I swear she's plotting something," Niall mumbles skating off.

I follow him as we talk more. We soon went home after a meal at a restaurant and went to sleep.


I wake up quite early as I walk downstairs still in my tank top and shorts.

"Mama!" Tiara greets as I walk in. A spoon is in her hand, scrambled egg in front of her.

"Morning!" Niall smiles handing me a plate of eggs and bacon. I sit down carefully, my ribs still having some pain, it recovered quite quickly. I nibbled bits of my bacon and the egg then pushed the plate aside.

"No, no, no." Niall instructed pushing it back in front of me.

"I don't want it," I frown.

"Open." He instructed, a forkful of egg in his hands.

I sigh, opening my mouth as he fed me the remaining bits of eggs and bacon.

"Good," he smiles as he fed me the last bit.

Tiara giggles from the high chair hitting her spoon on the bowl. She scoops more into her mouth, bits of egg sticking to the corners of her mouth. Somebody was happy!

"Halloween party today!" Niall cheers. "And I'm not getting drunk, I promise." he added.

"Where is it?" I ask smiling at his promise.

"Lou's." he replied.

I stood up gathering the plates into the sink, I'll clean it later. I go up to clean my teeth and that. I washed my face with foamy face wash. (A/N Funny story about this, in the authors notes at the end!)

I then got changed into joggings and a random shirt, I was getting changed again later anyways. I went back down to see Tiara playing with her tea set once again. She was giggling to herself while Niall watched her.

"She's so cute." Niall chimed.

"Mmm.." I agreed.


Yes this is a filler chapter.

I didn't know I had like 61 votes on the other chapter!!

Got ONE comment saying update ;)


You actually know who reads your authors notes. I must start babbling though.

Right story about foam.. I bought this new face wash which is foam and I didn't know how to work it and in the end it went ALL over the bathroom hahahah it was so funny...

Never knew pop tarts were so special to you guys haha I had the cinnamon one I think.. Anybody wanna mail any back? They don't sell'em in UK :(

I was talking to a friend Emma Joseph << And she said 19 degrees celsius is COLD for her.

Here where I live 16 degrees celsius is HOT normally we have like 2 or even 1 degrees! Uk is cold to you but normal for me haha

My friend didn't know what nandos was :ooo


I liked knowing your favourite colours :)

Mines Purple, Red and a bunch of others hehe

Next chapter should have some drama..


Commenting update will make the update later.

I want you to comment a funny memory :) Make me laugh!! By the way it's easy to make me laugh haha

Loveyou all!

~ Chamrock Jack 🍀 Xox

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