Chapter 50 - Big Brother

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"I brought Lou here." Harry smiles awkwardly. I glared, I don't want to look at her. She betrayed us all.

"Lou?" Tessa whispered, I finally looked down.

I felt all the oxygen in me whirl out of me, into a tornado. Gone.

"T-t-Tess." I stutter.

"She's lying isn't she. Tell it to her face Lou, tell her she's only dying. Tell her she looks healthy." Harry goaded.

I felt horrible, guilty, useless, I don't deserve to be her brother. Harry should be her brother, he obviously cared more. I watched as my vision of her blurred, salty substance glided down my cheeks.

"T-Tess I'm so sorry. Fuck. I didn't know!" I sob, falling onto my knees.

I silently thank Harry as he helped me up.

"It's fine," Tessa smiled.

"No it's not!" I roar, "it's not." I whisper, seeing as I startled her.

"I'm a fuck up, I tried to convince everybody that you're the bad guy, that you did all the harm." My eyes were endless waterfalls, my vision blurred. Harry guided me to the chair next to her as my clammy hands clasped Tessa's bony ones.

"I didn't know, I-I I'm sorry!" I cry.

"Forget about it," Tessa shrugged.

"How can you do that? Why are you forgiving me?! You're supposed to hate me!" I shout.

"It's better to forgive and forget, if I don't forgive you now, I'll regret it in the future." Tessa smiled.

"You're too good for me, I don't deserve you!"

"Yes you do, you're my brother. Every siblings have their row once in a while, but everything always gets better."

"Stop it! Stop being so nice! You're supposed to hate me!" I shout.


I whimpered as Louis' angry words caused his fist to clench around my fingers, I felt them click out of place. I was in too much pain my words were inaudible. Harry must've heard my bones cracking, quickly pushing Louis away.

"You're hurting her!" He bellows as I cradle my hand to my chest.

Louis eyes widen, his emotions were hard to register.

"I-I-I-I-" he stuttered.

"I have to go!" He stumbled clumsily as he ran out the door, a tear finally fell onto my arm.

"Here, I brought breakfast." Harry quickly spoke, opening the basket. I smile at his attempt.

"We have.. Tea and sandwiches? Sorry Niall was mad with sandwich making today! I'm sure Tiara got like 4!" Harry chuckled, moving the table so it was in front of me.

"Niall told me to give you this." Harry handed me the baby pink nail polish bottle, I took it happily placing it on the bedside table.

"Tiara picked it, I think she likes pink." Harry smiled, handing me a sandwich.

I nibbled on the sandwich, it was a ham sandwich. It tasted amazing, I never knew Niall could make a sandwiches so appealing! This now means he's making me more sandwiches.

"How many more pounds to go?" Harry asked, checking the clipboard attached to my bed.

1 and three quarter pounds." I reply.

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