Chapter 31 - Fraped

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I hugged Tiara tightly against me, her crying soon faded as she rubbed her eyes with fists.

"Dada?" She says looking puzzled.

"Tiara, honey what happened?" I ask, she scared me, and Tessa.

"Tan-" her eyes filled with fear.

"She's not here," Tessa interrupted. I handed Tiara to Tessa as Tessa hugged and kissed Tiara.

"Let's go down to eat," Niall tells her smiling.

"No leave." she responds shaking her head.

We walk downstairs, all eyes on us as we walk in.

"What happened?" Liam finally asked.

"Nothing," I reply, sitting down onto the chair, Tessa slipping on the chair next to me.

"Tiara, do you want to sit in your seat?" Tessa asks. Tiara responded with a shake on the head.

We all ate, me taking glances at Tessa who was eating slowly, feeding bits to Tiara as well. She fed the rest to Tiara as she went to put the plate away. She carried Tiara to the living room and I heard the TV switch on.

"So how old is she again?" Liam asked.

"1, she's 2 next month." I tell them.

"We need to plan a party!" Zayn said cheering.

"Yes we should, but what do babies like?" Louis asked.

We all discussed things and exchanged ideas. I went off to find Tessa. She was in the living room, watching TV while Tiara was on her lap, Tessa held tightly onto Tiara.

"Tess?" I say.

She jumped, a small squeal escaping her lips. I sat next to her, wrapping her into a hug.

"What's wrong with you?" I say nuzzling my head into her neck.

"Hm," I encourage.

"I thought you were Tania," she whispered.

"Don't be afraid," I say nipping on her neck.

"She said she will hurt Tiara," she tells me.

"You need some rest." I reply standing up.

I carry Tiara up as Tessa follows, her hand shaking in mine. I didn't know why she was so shaken up. I kissed her goodnight as I stood up to leave her, that was until her hand grabbed onto my shirt.

"Please stay," she whimpered.

I nodded as I lay next to her, Tiara playing on my stomach. Tessa cuddled into me, grabbing hold of me tightly. She soon fell asleep, uneven breaths escaping her lips. Tiara also fell asleep, flat on my stomach, her arms stretched out. The room was dark, all furniture was silhouettes. The door creaked open, I didn't need to see who it was, it was Tania.

"What are you doing?" I say startling her.

"Nothing," she replied.

"Tell me now before you regret it." I warn her.

"See for yourself," she shrugs pointing towards her wardrobe.

I nod telling her to leave as I slowly got off the bed. I lifted Tiara off of me to put her on the bed, I must've moved her too much as she started crying, reaching out for me to hold her. I lifted her up, letting her head rest on my shoulder as she began to sleep again. I went over to the wardrobe and turned on the lights. Tiara shifted slightly but continued snoring. I went through the clothes first, nothing much. I then looked through her lingerie, Tania had been cutting it up. I'm guessing she came back to cut her clothes. Every bit of underwear, bra, socks, anything had holes cut through. Is that the best plan she could muster? She was a model and all they think about is clothes. I threw it all away into the bin, we'll buy some tomorrow. I go back to the bed, laying Tiara down and letting her sleep.

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