Chapter 32 - Tiara's Birthday

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"Mama! Mama! Mama! Mama!"

I rubbed my eyes open, smiling at Tiara.

"My birthday!" She babbles continuing to jump on my bed.

"Happy Birthday little Leprechaun," I kiss her cheek as I get up and bring her to the bathroom.

"Now you better brush properly for your birthday," I tell her sternly, squirting her strawberry toothpaste onto her small toothbrush.

She nods as she starts to brush her teeth her. I squirted my mint toothpaste onto my toothbrush also brushing my teeth.

When I was done I spat it out then helped Tiara brush a bit knowing well most the time she would suck on the toothpaste. She spat hers out then I helped wash her face, I then washed mine after mouth wash. We then went to wake up Niall.

"Dada!" Tiara squeaked laying onto Niall's sleeping body.

"Yes?" Niall mumbled.

"Wake up!" I shout.

"It's November 16!" I say hoping he remembers.

"Happy birthday Tiara," he mumbled, his eyes sealed shut.

"DADA!" Tiara hit Niall's face repeatedly.

"I'm awake," Niall murmured.

He flipped Tiara over so she was laid onto the bed. He nuzzled his head into her belly making her erupt into laughter. She squealed while flailing her arms around.

"That's enough" I say dragging Niall off Tiara.

"Get ready," I tell him pointing to the bathroom.

"You jealous?" He chuckles.

"Of what?" I say.

"This," he grabs my waist, pulling me onto the mattress, nuzzling his head into my neck.

"Niall go get ready!" I giggle pushing him off.

"You're no fun!" Niall frowns.

"C'mon Tiara," I usher her to follow me to the kitchen.

She drags Brownie and Bonnie in each hand as she follows me with a huge smile.


"That's enough!" I snap at Harry before the song got rude.

"I made special breakfast for the birthday girl!" He says giving a plate of brownies and cream to Tiara.

"Brownie!" Tiara says happily, clapping her hands.

I take Bonnie and Brownie off of her then I put a bib around her neck. Harry puts the plate on the high chair as I lift her in.

"Tiara.." I encourage.

"Tank you Unc Haz!" She says before digging in.

"Good girl!" I say then let her eat.

"You eating anything?" Harry asked.

"Nah," I smile, then my tummy grumbled. I mentally cursed.

"You seem hungry," Harry points out, a playful smile on his face.

"I'm not," I reply quickly scurrying off.

"Where are you running off to?" Niall chuckles as I brush past.

He loops his arm around my waist dragging me back to the kitchen. Harry sniggers at me as Niall drags me back in. He sits me down on a chair then sits next to me. Tiara had brownies and cream around her mouth, a huge smile was still in her face.

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