Chapter 20 - On The Plane

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6 days have gone so slowly! Not having a job makes it slower! Tiara crying everyday didn't really help.. We were all at the airport, ready to fly to Florida. (A/N I know they wouldn't go to Florida so quickly but shh!) Tiara was in her buggy, holding onto Brownie and Bonnie, while I had the struggle of having 2 suitcases and a buggy. I need 2 suitcases for our swimming costumes, Tiara's baby things and everything! Don't judge, I'm a girl.

Tiara can't walk for long so I have to carry her. I quickly got the suitcases checked in.

"Mama where they go?" She asked pointing.

"To be put on the plane." I tell her lifting her out the buggy. I took the buggy apart then folded it up.

It went into two parts, the part where you sit is taken off the frame, it is the type of buggy where the baby is facing you.

I checked the buggy in then carried Tiara up.

"Hey Tess!" Eleanor waved, walking over with Danielle and Melody.

"Hey!" I say waving as well.

"Mama! Bonnie!" Tiara suddenly screeched. I turned round to see it on the floor.

I picked it up and put it in my bag.

"Hold Brownie well." I warn her putting her down on a seat.

"Want anything to eat?" Danielle asked.

"Umm, can I just have a tea.. Get Tiara a juice box please?" I ask.

She smiled and nodded then walked off to the counter.

"Are you excited?" Melody asked me.

"Yes! I can't wait to get Tiara away," I joke.

"Ah, getting the dad to look after the child, good one!" Eleanor giggles.

Danielle came back with the food and sat down happily.

I handed the carton of juice to Tiara after piercing the straw through the hole. I then sipped my tea after putting 3 sugars in, yes I'm unhealthy.

We all drank quietly except Tiara who was slurping as loud as she could. An old lady nearby glared at me, motioning me to shut her up. I looked away pretending I didn't see her.


The accouncement then called for us to go.

"Let's go!" Danielle cheered.

We all went to the gate. Quickly we got through with our passports, Niall helped me with Tiara's a while back.

"I hope I don't get jetlag!" Melody giggles.

"Me neither.. Babies can sleep any time of the day.. lucky thing.." I shook my head at Tiara.

We walked down endless corridors until we were outside, I held Tiara closer to me as we stepped on the plane. We gave the people our boarding cards then sat down. Our seating area had more foot space. Also it had a folding out table thing where babies can sleep! I asked for the seatbelt thing which connects to your seatbelt so the baby sits on your lap. I strapped myself then Tiara in. I clicked the seatbelt for both of us then switched off our phone.

"You are going to see daddy tomorrow." I kiss Tiara's head.

As the plane was going up, Tiara was gigglijng and squealing loudly, getting loads of stares.

"Shh, Tiara people are looking." I giggle.

She then put her thumb in her mouth then rested back on me, her arm wrapped around Brownie.

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